2023年8月9日 星期三

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 Distractions in prayer:

The imagination is not easily controlled and the devil can assail us with all kinds of representations and may try to allure us even to sin. But we are never to be alarmed when we know our distractions are not voluntary. When we avert to distractions we should turn away from them gently without violence. We are not to conclude that our prayer has been bereft of all value because during most or all of the time we have been subject to distractions . Since we have done our best we must be convinced that God is satisfied with us and our prayer, poor as it may appear to be , will be very profitable. After all , it is a more unselfish act to be content to persevere at our prayer in spite of a weary struggle with distractions than to spend our time in prayer made with sensible sweetness and fervour.It is consequently more meritorious , and we can be certain that perseverance in prayer in spite of distractions, when we are applying the means already indicated to eliminate them, will lead to a prayer free from distractions and to closer union with God. So we must resolve that, no matter how long or weary our struggle with distractions may be, we will persevere in our prayer.

Voluntary distractions are at least serious imperfections, and so every person any way anxious for union with Go will seek to eliminate them.




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