Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success about our times.
During the 15th and 16th centuries, Our Lady of Good Success appeared in Quito, Ecuador, to a Spanish nun whose little-known but extraordinary life has a direct connection with our days. Below is part of Her message:
" Unbridled passions will give way to a total corruption of custom because Satan will reign through the Masonic sects, targeting the children in particular to ensure general corruption.
In those times the atmosphere will be saturated with the spirit of impurity which, like a filthy sea, will engulf the streets and public places with incredible license...
Innocence will scarcely found in childen, or modesty in women...
He who should speak seasonably will remain silent...
There shall be scarcely any virgin souls in the world. The delicate flower of virginity will seek refuge in the cloisters ... without virginity , fire from heaven will be needed to purify these lands...
Sects, having permeated all social classes, will find ways of introducing themselves into the very heart of homes to corrupt the innocence of children. The children's hearts will be dainty morsels to regale the devil...
Religious communities will remain to sustain the Church and work with courage for the salvation of souls. The secular clergy will fall far short of what is expected of them because they will not pursue their sacred duty. Losing the divine compass, they will stray from the way of priestly ministry mapped out for them by God and will become devoted to money, seeking it too earnestly...
Pray constantly, implore tirelessly, and weep bitter tears in the seclusion of your heart, beseeching the Eucharistic Heart of my most holy Son to take pity on His ministers and to end as soon as possible these unhappy times by sending to His Church the prelate who shall restore the spirit of her priests."
Resolve: To live in the state of grace and preserve peace of heart, and combat evil with love of God.