Confession is a gift from God. If you take advantage of this gift and humbly confess your sins to a priest, your reward will be peace of soul in this life. How said it would be to refuse this gift! Those who do refuse will suffer in time and eternity. For a person living in the state of sin there are real-life consequences: a deep emptiness in the depths of the soul and lack of a sense of meaning and purpose in life are just some of the results of living in sin . As St Augustine said ," You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You."
Sin darkens the mind. It can make us slaves to our passions, and the more we sin, the more we become like beasts. Some people don't go to Confession or to church, but they think they are good people because they don't commit heinous sins, and they do some good things. But good deeds don't get us to heaven. When the soul is dead in sin , good deeds do not merit that person anything, because they are separated from God. It is being the state of grace, union with God that allows us entry into His Kingdom.