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2022年9月14日 星期三

Our lady of carmel and exorcism


“In an exorcism, the Brown Scapular is placed around the possessed person's neck..the Devil invariably shouts and groans, ‘It is fire! it is fire! Remove it, I beg of you! I cannot bear it any longer."

---Fr. Robert Levis, exorcist


“In an exorcism, the Devil confessed in pain that the Rosary is "the most outstanding of prayers... much feared in hell, as is the Scapular.'"

--- Fr. Jose Syquia, exorcist


"I am enveloped within the mantle of Our Lady (the Brown Scapular). What can you do to me?"

---Fr. Gabriel Amorth (former Vatican exorcist)


An exorcist priest who wants to remain anonymous was wearing the Brown Scapular. In the middle of an exorcism,  the devil spoke to him and said, “Just take off that Scapular and I will show you what I will do to you!"


"Demons particularly hate the Brown Scapular — seeking, during expulsions, to rip it off the victim. The Scapular is very important because it provides a level of protection. In one case of possession that I had, the demon was a demon of impurity and every time he would manifest, the first thing he would do is try to get the Scapular the woman was wearing off.” 

---Fr. Chad Ripperger, exorcist


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