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顯示具有 Importance of meditating on Jesus Christ passion 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2023年1月19日 星期四

Importance of meditating Jesus passion

 From “ The secret of the rosary by St Montfort”.

The whole book can be found on web site



One day, our Lord said to Blessed Alan, “ If only these poor sinners would say my rosary often, they would share in the merits of my passion and I would be their advocate and appease the divine justice.”



St Augustine assures us that there is no spiritual exercise more fruitful or more useful for our salvation than to think frequently about the sufferings of our Lord.


St Albert the Great, who taught St. Thomas Aquinas, learned in a revelation that by simply thinking of or meditating on the Passion of Jesus Christ Christians can gain more merit than if they had fasted on bread and water every Friday for a whole year, or had beaten themselves with their discipline once a week till the blood flowed, or had said the whole book of psalms every day .


If such is the case, then how great must be the merit we can gain from the Rosary, which commemorates the whole life and Passion of our Lord.


One day , the holy Virgin revealed to blessed Alan that next to the Holy sacrifice of the mass, which is the most important and the living memorial of the passion of Jesus Christ , there is no devotion more excellent and more meritorious than the Rosary , which is like a second memorial of the life and Passion of Jesus Christ.


Father Dorland says that in 1481 the blessed Virgin appeared Venerable Dominic , a Carthusian devoted to the Holy Rosary , who lived at Treves, and said to him, “ whenever one of the faithful who is in the state of grace says the Rosary while mediating on the Life and Passion of Jesus Christ, he obtains the full remission of all his sins.”


She also said to Blessed Alan: “ Although there are numerous indulgences attached to my Rosary, I will add many more to every fifty Hail Mary’s ( each group of five decades) for people who say them in the state of grace and devoutly on their knees. And whoever perseveres in the devotion of the Holy Rosary , with its prayers and meditations, will be rewarded : I will obtain the full remission of the penalty and guilt for all his sins at the end of his life.

Do not be unbelieving, as though what I say is impossible. It is easy for me to do it because I am the mother of the King of Heaven . and he calls me full of grace. Being full of grace, I am able to dispense grace freely to my dear children”



The devil said:

“ We are forced to confess that not one soul that has persevered in her service has ever been damned with us. Just one sigh that the blessed Virgin Mary offers to the blessed Trinity is worth more than all the prayers, vows, and aspirations of all the saints.

We fear her more than all the other saints together and we have no success against her faithful servants. In fact, many Christians who call upon her when they are at the hour of death and who really deserve to be damned according to our ordinary standards are saved by her intercession.”




When the rosary is said in common, it is far more frightening to the devil than one said privately , because it constitutes an army that is attacking him. HE can easily overcome the prayer of an individual , but if this prayer is joined to that of other Christians, the devil finds it much more difficult to overcome. It is easy to break a single stick, but if you join it to others to make a bundle, it cannot be broken.



We must join perseverance in prayer to our confidence. Only those who persevere in asking, seeking, and knocking will receive, find, and enter. It is not enough to ask God for certain graces only for a month, a year, ten or even twenty years, we must never grow weary of asking.


聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...