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2024年1月20日 星期六

The little way


Many modern christians admire the lives of the Saints, and are aspiring for sainthood through many pious practices. Very many number of believers have resorted to the use of force, stiffness and flight of the company of men to achieve this. Some of these ways, however can bring one to holiness if only it is done following the "Little Way" 

You can not claim to be in the journey of holiness while you are unapproachable, and are always the source of torment to others; flight of men doesn't mean bitterness* towards others, it rather means flight of the sins of men among men. He who conquers the world in the midsts of many struggles is greater than he who conquered through isolation.

It is of this little way that Christ spoke of when he said "unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven" and "... learn from me, because I am meek and humble of heart" St Matthew 18:3 and 11:29 respectively.

Sainte Thérèse de l'enfant Jésus (St Thérésa of the child Jesus) provided us with a very simple way to sainthood which she termed the "Little Way". She teaches us to be saints by not stressing ourselves outwardly without any spiritual merits. She teaches finding joy doing the little tasks neglected by the world, performance of duties with love and unselfish desires. 

This “Little Way” consists in performing “little virtues” not seeking grandiose sacrifices to God, but little acts of holiness; like caring for the sick with love, serving others humbly without complaints, forgiving your enemies,  attending to the needs of others even when you are not directly involved, embracing being despised for standing out for the truth, modesty  and purity. 

"You must practice the little virtues. This is sometimes difficult, but God never refuses the first grace—courage for self-conquest; and if the soul correspond to that grace, she at once finds herself in God’s sunlight.

 The "Little Way" is a simple approach to the spiritual life that seeks to do ordinary things with extraordinary love" St Thérésa.

I pray we find joy in following this way provided by this "Little Saint of the Flowers" 🌺🌺🌺 through Christ our Lord 🙏


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