Anthony was around 22 years when his parents died. He was entrusted with the care of his younger sister and the house. It was at this time that he made the decision that would change the course of his life. He distributed the inheritance left by his parents and sold his possessions. Part of the sum received went to the poor and the rest was set aside for his sister. After renouncing the world he moved forward, in his ascetic life: renunciations, sacrifices and prayers filled his day, in addition to the time he dedicated to manual work, making mats. In the meantime, great struggles still awaited him along the path of penance he had embraced.
The angel of darkness, seeing his virtuous practices, began to tempt him in an ever more explicit way. In order to lead him to abandon his solitary life, he reminded him of the goods he had left behind, of the care of his sister and the pleasures of the world. He showed him the difficulties entailed in the practice of virtue, the weakness of the body and the frequent adversities which man must face because of his evil tendencies, the fruit of original sin. He resisted these assaults with the help of grace, through prayer. He also suffered countless temptations, against the angelic virtue of purity. The devil disturbed him day and night with lewd thoughts and immaginations. Anthony redoubled faith, prayers, fasts and mortification, convinced that this was an endless struggle, which he must wage while on earth. He decided to isolate himself. Having suggested to a friend to bring him food periodically, he entered a tomb and closed it. The devil entered the tomb one night with a multitude of demons, and dealt him such a rain of blows that he was left prostrate on the ground. The next day his friend judging him to be dead took him to the village Church. In the meantime he recovered, Anthony begged him to be taken back to the tomb. The evil spirits appeared to him in the form of fierce animals. With Divine permission, lions, bears, leopards, bulls, wolves, scorpions and snakes tormented him with their horrible noises and aggressions. Anthony groaned with physical pain, but remained vigilant and mocked his tormentors. Raising his eyes he saw ceiling open and a light penetrate the environment. The demons fled and the Saint felt comforted in his afflictions when he recognized the presence of Our Lord. He asked why He did not come to his aid sooner. Our Lord replied, I was here Anthony. I was waiting to see you fight. As you resisted and you did not let yourself be overcome, I will always help you. He went to the desert. The enemy tempted him by making gold and gold and silver before him. Anthony proclaimed with a loud voice that nothing would be able to divert him. He established his new home in Dayr al Maymun. He took with him typical bread that lasted for many months. Demons tormented him but he was not shaken and continued to pray.
Anthony healed the sick, consoled the afflicted reconciled his enemies and exorcised demons. He defended and supported the Church. During the persecution of Maximinus, the Saint headed to Alexandria to strengthen with his presence. He too wished to die a martyr, but no one dared to harm him. After exhorting the people of God to be faithful to the True Religion, he returned to his dwelling on Mount Colzim. His last years he spent in meditation. He cultivated wheat and prepared his own bread. Some of his disciples visited him and brought food.
Now close to his death, and over a hundred years old, Anthony was assisted by two of his disciples. He surrendered his soul to God on January 17, the date on which the Church celebrates his memorial.