顯示具有 Don't curse your children 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 Don't curse your children 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2024年1月20日 星期六

Do not curse your children


Some parents without knowing it, curse their own children, through the statements, anger they make, their children, we must know, that the devils, are always waiting for any negative word from the mouths of parents.

As soon as the demons hear this negative declaration, they will quickly run and report that declaration to Satan, then the devil will assign demons, who will fulfill that declaration you have made in the life of that child. 12 Declarations That Curse Your Own Child's Life.

1- You are useless

The demons of failure and misery will invade this child, many prayers are needed to release this child

2- This child has no choice

The demons of despair and failure attacked the life of this child

3-This child is useless

Devils of uselessness will attack that child

4- You Are Not My Son

Your child shall grow as an orphan. That kid might end up becoming homeless

5- You're a fool, you're a fool

The demons of stupidity will attack this child's life. It is possible that this child will never excel in school and life

6 - You will never make it

The demons of failure will attack this child never that child will succeed in life, as ud as mother or father told him

7- This kid is evil

Evil demons will invade this child the behavior of this child will always bow to evil

8- I'm so sick of this kid

demons of death surround this child

9-Look at this animal

If you call your own child animal this child will cease to be in the category of humans, Satan will assign demons that will turn this child into a beast

10- What shame happened to you

It is possible that the Glory of God can disappear from this child,satan will assign demons of shame to this child. Favor and honor will disappear from this child

11- I wish this child was never born

Devils of death will always surround this child

12 - I think this child has demons in his head

Satan will like this statement very much the devil will immediately order hundreds of demons to enter the mind of his son

From the same mouth come blessing and curse, my brothers this should not be so

Be careful of the words you declare about your children always, that your words are to bless and not to curse, that they give life and not death, be aware, that as Christians we are called to use our mouth correctly. The only way we can use our mouth is to bless and mention only the wonderful things God has done to us and those around us.

Let's take a few minutes to bless the lives of our children and ask them for forgiveness.

Let's Pray To God:

Father today I ask for forgiveness for every Word of curse that has come out of my mouth towards my son and I ask you dear God that every word hurtful in the life of my children be canceled in the mighty name of Jesus Amen.


聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...