"For the cure of the sick, it is important to say the following prayers: the Creed, 7 Our Father's, Hail Mary's and Glory Be's, and to fast on bread and water. It is good to impose one's hands on the sick and to pray. It is good to anoint the sick with holy oil. All priests do not have the gift of healing. In order to revive this gift, the priest must pray with perseverance and believe firmly."
The above is one of the message from mother Mary in medjugorje. She calls those who are sick , to pray one creed, seven our fathers, hail marys , and glory be's, everyday,and if possible, fast on bread and water two times a week. She also calls the sick to find priests to do the anointing of the sick.
The above is from the following link :
https://www.medjugorje.org/ concordance/framconc.htm
: 神父說, 我們應該每個星期用聖水祝聖我們住家的每個房間,並劃十字聖號。 他告訴我們,我們只要在另外一個裝著水的容器內加入一滴聖水, 這些水就會變成聖水。 這樣祝聖房子有助於那些飲酒過量或是吸毒的人。他說, 吸毒和酗酒是撒旦精選的美食,可以使人瘋狂並且犯下嚴重的罪, 包括犯案。另外一個祝聖房子的好處是, 它可以防止你們家庭的痛苦,還有讓邪靈不能靠近你們。
他說,魔鬼會使出一切方法,令我們離開天主和彌撒聖祭, 因為彌撒聖祭可使我們遠離誘惑。
神父表示,他最近與教宗會面,教宗告訴他, 我們正處於末世和撒旦的統治下,教宗邀請我們祈求上主的慈悲, 他表示我們必須保持對天主的忠信和為教宗祈禱。他說, 因為天主聽到眾人的祈禱, 所以默主哥耶第七個秘密的影響性已減輕了
https://sites.google.com/site/ ourbeautifultruefaith/home/qu- mo-shen-fu
: 神父說,