Please read for reference:
( 這網站介紹美國在俗奉獻者神婚後的分享)
https://consecratedvirgins.org/ ( 此網站介紹美國許多人向美國天主教教會申請做consecrated virgin., 然後入此consecrated virgins association. 這些美國人是在俗世生活, 但不是神父修女, 由教會祝聖做耶穌的淨配, 耶穌作他們的新郎。 香港沒有這種association. 期望未來香港教會為在俗人士想神婚作類似的association)
( 以上網站介紹美國的confraternity of penitent也有成員申請做神婚, 不做修女神父, 但由神父手中領受神婚)
St Catherine of Siena不是修女, 她是道明會第三會的成員, 雖也有穿修會制服。 她由神父手中領受成為耶穌淨配, 嫁給耶穌。
St Philomena, bride of Jesus:
At the age of thirteen, St. Philomena traveled with her parents to Rome. The Roman emperor Diocletian had threatened St. Philomena’s father with a war, and he had to meet with the emperor to attempt to make peace. When her family was admitted to an audience with Emperor Diocletian, the emperor’s eyes fell upon St. Philomena at once. He was taken by her beauty and insisted that she should marry him. St. Philomena refused, though, stating that she had promised herself to God alone and would marry no man. Overcome with anger at being rejected, the emperor had St. Philomena thrown into a dungeon.
Emperor Diocletian made several other attempts to entice St. Philomena to marry him – and every time she stated she would not marry him because she had consecrated herself to God alone. The emperor had her tortured severely, almost to the point of death. She was bound to a pillar and scourged mercilessly. After the torture was finished, the emperor had her brought back to the prison to die. However, she was given strength by God and continued to live.
( 供那些因健康問題, 不能參加在俗會和修會, 長期留在家中, 但想成為耶穌淨配, 一生不和男人女人結婚,並願意和耶穌神婚的人。 必須發俗世中的神貧, 和自身的貞潔和對神師的服從三願。 除唸以下經文, 最好到教堂找神父, 告知自己的病情, 無辦法參加在俗會, 和不能加入修會。 因此希望神父祝聖自己做耶穌淨配。 並在神父前發俗世中的神貧, 貞潔, 服從三願。俗世中的神貧根據神師指引便可。 發願者必須未結婚, 或丈夫妻子已去世。 那些離婚但配偶未死不能發願的人, 建議他們也把自己奉獻自己給耶穌聖母聖心).
天主聖三, 在領洗時及堅振時祢已祝聖我, 現在還召叫我奉獻給祢, 作祢的淨配( spouse of Jesus),我, ( 我的姓名),謙虛地在祢及聖母前, 在至聖教會前, 藉著祢聖神恩寵的助佑, 完全忠貞地發貞潔, 神貧( 俗世中的神貧)和服從( 服從神師, 包括在神貧上)三聖願, 為期終身。
我願意實踐我在俗世中的聖召, 生活在俗世中, 以福音的精神聖化自己, 並完全實行祢的聖意, 為期一生, 成為全燔祭, 全為悅樂天主聖三和聖母瑪利亞。
願至聖童貞聖母瑪利亞, 仁慈之母, 大聖若瑟, 天朝神聖,我今呼求他們作證, 見證我作耶穌的淨配, ( 祂作我的新郎),並一生直至永遠, 永無反悔, 阿孟。
至於怎樣在俗世中成聖, 很建議在發願後加入confraternity of penitent. 它的成聖規則非常嚴格, 猶如修女神父。 此會供在俗者在俗世
找神師時, 求聖神帶領。 找堂區告解神父, 告解時, 他也可作你的神師, 給靈修上指導。 當然, 找好品德的神父作你的神師。 給你靈修指導的神父便可成為做你神師的選擇。
聖女傅天娜日記第248 段
我把你許配給耶穌基督, 至高天父的兒女, 願祂使你完美無瑕,基督是童貞者的淨配, 拿這指環作為你與基督締結永恆盟約的標記, 如此你便堪稱為基督的新娘, 你若忠誠事奉祂, 便會永恆地被加冕。
Betrothal blessings of rings
I betroth you to Jesus Christ,the son of the Father most high, may He keep you unblemished.Take this ring as a sign of the eternal covenant you are making with Christ , the spouse of virgins.May it be for you the ring of faith and the sign of the holy spirit, that you may be called the bride of Christ and the spouse of the holy spirit, and , if you serve him faithfully, be crowned as such for all eternity.Accept this ring as a sign of heavenly light and of burning love.
香港不是所有俗世會都有神婚, 即嫁給基督。 只有女性的 仁慈婢女俗世會和男性的 忠僕俗世會才有神婚。 嘉諾撒俗世會, 聖道明俗世會等等在香港也沒有神婚一回事
若因在家病而無法加入以上俗世會作神婚, 就可選擇自己發願和找神父覆手。