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2023年12月31日 星期日

St john of vianney

 Beelzebub Speaks On THE HOLY CURÉ OF ARS During An Exorcism


Taken From the Book Warnings From The Beyond by Jean Marty


B: It is necessary to make sacrifices, as a parish priest, Vianney of Ars, used to make them. He used to pray for entire nights when he knew that there were some sheep in his fold who were not living at all according to the Will of God. He used to give everything and sacrifice everything. He did not even sleep in a proper bed. Often, he used to pray for hours in front of the tabernacle... sometimes in order to save only one, single soul.


He came under furious attacks from the rest of us down there (he points downward), often because of just one soul... and that when he was not at all clever, and was very weak in theology and Latin. The priests of today say to themselves: “We are clever, we are doctors, we know everything better.” But in the final analysis, those are not the things which They are concerned about up there (he points upward). They are not concerned whether someone is clever, or about what he has in his brain, or about what he knows about philosophy and mathematics. Before all else, they consider this: is he a true shepherd? Does he go to look for his sheep, is he ready to give his life and everything that he has for his sheep? That is what Those up there are looking at (he points upward); and the great evil today is that the priests of this time do not do those things any more.


There should be preaching again about the Curé of Ars, and about Catherine Emmerich, who, on her bed of pain, did nothing but suffer and pray for the Church. Many other Saints have done that too. Padre Pio has suffered much for the Church and for sinners. It should be proclaimed from the height of the pulpits that it would be better to devote one's time to imitating Christ, rather than to gaining doctorates. 

There must be some of those, it is true. But for the majority, it would be better if they did not study philosophy or mathematics or theology, etc. For many, it would be better to spend half their nights in prayer and invoking the Holy Spirit; to live the true imitation of Christ and the Marian doctrine of Saint Grignion de Montfort, for example: putting their trust completely in the Blessed Virgin, in her Most Pure Heart and in the Sacred Heart of Jesus; to look towards the Cross and do exactly what Those up there wish (he points upward). That would be better than toiling and studying for hours, simply to make an impression before the world... How I have been forced to say that (he shouts!) How I have been forced to say that! 

E: In the name... tell the truth! 

B: Lenin, for example, the Father of the Russian Revolution, has said that it was necessary to give up whole nights and all his time for the Revolution... But many priests do not even do what the unbelievers do. Lenin knew what had to be done to make the Revolution succeed. He gave up everything for that... But, She, the Great Lady, makes me say, the priests of today are no longer prepared to sacrifice themselves entirely, and to sacrifice everything that they have for the people.


It is true that they must reckon with this: the more someone sacrifices himself, the more we fight against him. That was the way it was for the priest Vianney. We started a fire in his room. But that is of no consequence, Those up there make me say (he points upward). In spite of everything, Those up there and the Great Lady will be victorious... and the priests who still practice the true priesthood will carry off an incomparable victory.


No doctorate, nor any other title, can he compared with the good done by priests who still have the true understanding of souls, and the true understanding of men, and who know how to put themselves in the place of each man. They ask themselves: “What else could I do to save these people? What is the best way to preach? What must I do to bring them back to the practice of the Sacraments?” Naturally, it is necessary at the same time for them to administer the Sacraments in the proper way and according to the ancient rite, so that the heavenly blessing may be attached to them. UNLESS THEY DO THIS, THEY HAVE TO SOME DEGREE LOST GROUND.


Heaven must be earned painfully. Christ exercised the true Priesthood in the most perfect, the most pure and the most incomparable way; and His Apostles did too. They did not wonder whether they would be imprisoned or martyred. They had no fear. Our priests, on the other hand, are afraid of losing their position if they do not do exactly what many bishops say, although this is not the truth, and this is not obedience any more according to the way Those up there see it (he points upward). For we have already had to say that, now, one can no longer obey in cases where the command is not what it should be... Ah! This is crazy, that we have been obliged to speak in this way!


E: Can it be said that it is better to obey God than to obey men? In the name...!

B: God MUST be obeyed in preference to men! Did the Apostles have regard for men, Romans or anyone else? They had courage. They went to prison and gave themselves up to martyrdom for Christ...

Where, therefore, among today's Christians, is the Sacrament of Confirmation, the mark of the Soldier of Christ, which they have on their brow? Catholics still bear this mark - and the priests have, in addition, that of their priestly consecration - and they would have the Angels to assist them. Why, for the love of Heaven, don't priests pray to the Holy Angels? Why don't they call on their patron Saints? And Saints Peter and Paul? And all the Apostles and Doctors of the Church? What things they could teach them, or how they could inspire them, if only they were invoked! And, before all else, the Holy Spirit.

The Apostles had no fear of anything and nothing was too high a price for them. They used to administer the Sacraments properly, and they had a great respect for them. That is where you should be looking - towards the first Apostles... not towards those who came later, towards isolated groups who did not live and did not act at all after the example of the Apostles. You must not look towards the mediocre, the negative, but upwards, towards the best and what was done by the best. If you do this, you cannot say: these ones here and those ones there did things well... and no more can you imagine that now the same thing is good. This is a monumental error.


Ah! How we hated this priest of Ars! We were in a terrible rage against him! He was so stupid, he did not even know Latin properly. How was he able to snatch such a great crowd of people away from us - people who, without him, would have come to Hell?


Ah! She makes me say: “If only there were more priests like this Curé (parish priest) Vianney!” It is not money, nor possessions, nor intelligence that count. What does count, is what the priests do, what the state of their soul is, and the way in which they carry out the Will of God. That is what counts, even if they should be the least among men in the eyes of the world, and seem to be of no consequence and to occupy only the lowliest of positions. 

Those priests are much greater in the eyes of Those up there (he points upwards)... than he who wears a bishop's miter, or a cardinal's hat, or anything else you like! Ah! How we have been forced to say that!


聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...