2023年8月30日 星期三

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 A person in the state of grace can put on the mind of Christ, be filled with peace, and live a life of virtue.God showed a vision of a soul in the state of grace to St. Catherine of Siena. This is how she described it to her spiritual director:

"Father , I cannot find anything in this world that can give you the smallest idea of what I have seen. Oh, if you could but see the beauty of a soul in the state of grace, you would sacrifice your life a thousand times for its salvation. It is the image and likeness of God in that soul, and the Divine Grace which made it so beautiful."

For our mortal sins to be forgiven, we must confess them to a priest. But that is not all. We must be sorry and must want to never commit that sin again. If the person confesses, but intends to go out and continue to live in the state of sin, his sins are not forgiven.And if he dies in that state, unrepentant, he will not go to Heaven.

Note: A person may fall after leaving the confessional, but if his intention was not to sin again, his sins are forgiven. So, if you confess and fall again, confess again. God knows how weak we are. That's why he gives us many opportunities to start anew.

People were in darkness and experienced the tremendous joy when they went to confession after years away from the Church. One such person said, after coming from Confession:

" After a priest prayed over me, a cloud lifted from my head and I saw clearly for the first time in many years, even though I had been against the Catholic Church, I understood that the Catholic Church was true!....I never thought it was possible to have so much joy on this earth ! ....I felt inebriated with joy! I knew His great love for me, and I felt great love for Him , and for everyone!"

Pope Francis said," God forgets sins absolved within the confessional."

" After Confession, a crown is given to penitents." by St John Chrysostom.

Resolve: Thank God for the great gift of Confession, and get into the habit of going to Confession at least once a month.




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...