Confession: after confession still remains the punishment
Plenary indulgence: very important for the dying , total remission of punishment of one 's sins.
Reminder: God is fair. If one abuses the use of plenary indulgence, and randomly sin against God in his life. The plenary indulgence at his death may not help that person but rather, this indulgence is beneficial to another soul who is also in need of it.
Therefore, lead a good life. Do not think that before death i can sin randomly and gain a lot of indulgences so i will not be punished in this life and the next . No . We must be sincere in every act of contrition.
Follow ten commandments. Also frequent the sacraments.
According to the catholic books, purgatory is divided into three levels. The first one is without fire, a place to be tortured by " an ardent longing for God , still awaiting to get into heaven ".
The souls say it is also very painful
The second is with fire. Fire more intense than any fire on the earth.
The third is nearest to hell. The fire and tortures are very similar to hell. But it is not hell, it is purgatory.
The saints asked the suffering soul what is their most painful torture.
They say it is " separation from God and the ardent longing to see Him but not available to " . Not able to see God is their greatest torture.
The nuns and monks : do confession once a week.
Do the same as for your own benefit.
Repent and convert