If everyone only knew that God's plan for every human person is to raise each one of us to a higher level--- higher than anything humans could accomplish ! His plan is to share with us His divine nature.
Almighty God, the creator of all things visible and invisible , raises His creatures , those who obey Him , to a supernatural state: it is called living in the state of grace, supernatural grace, above our human nature.
Every earthly affection, even that which seems to be the deepest, is superficial . Our hearts were not made for created things, although these things attract us inasmuch as they are reflections of the divine. But they neither satisfy nor pacify human hearts, nor produce in them the interior movement proper to profound love, the love of God.
If people knew that after years spent in devoting to creatures what they think is a deep and wonderful love, they are still ignorant of the first rudiments of the divine science.They have not even begun to taste the holy , the immense love of God, so ardent that it carries us out of ourselves, so sweet that it enraptures us.
Divine Love comes to us at Baptism. When we are baptized, the immediate result is the indwelling of the Holy Trinity. God dwells in our soul.The virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity are infused into the soul. Our human condition is elevated and we share in the Divine nautre of God.
Read the lives of the saints. Some were quiet and hidden. Others performed great miracles, like healing the sick, and some even raising the dead to life. Share this with your children and grandchildren. This will protect them fom being deceivd by the evil one.
Prayer to be Transformed:
Loving Father, Here I am.
I trust that You have an incredible plan for me.
Transform me. Transform my life.
Everything is on the table.
Take what you want to take and give what you want to give.
Transform me into the person You created me to be,
So I can live the life You envision for me.
I hold nothing back; I am 100 percent available.
How can I help? Amen.
" Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
( St Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
Resolve: Look up information or watch video about St Josph Cupertino, whose life was filled with superhuman miracles, and pray the prayer to be Transformed as a novena for 9 days.