2023年8月31日 星期四

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            ON THE MALICE OF SIN


            A Thought Provoking Piece

A MUST READ For All Who Desire Salvation

🙏🏻 “ I have brought up children and exalted them, but they have despised me.” (Isah.1:2)

🙏🏻🌹 Beloved in Christ, Sin as we all know is an offense against God, by any thought, word, deed or omission against the law of God. 

🔥In the very moment in which sin is committed, the soul, from being a likeness of God, becomes transformed into a very horrible monster. It is not possible for a man to comprehend the wonderful beauty with which a soul which enjoys God’s grace, is adorned. When in that state it is a portrait and a copy of the Divine Beauty. For its formation, nothing less is required than infinite Wisdom and power. 

🔥The beauty of a soul in a state of Grace is so great that one day when God had enabled St. Theresa of Avila to see this beauty, she declared “I would gladly give a thousand lives and suffer a thousand deaths, to preserve the beauty of a single such soul, “But just as grace makes a soul lovely, sin makes it ugly. A soul in sin and a condemned spirit are equal in ugliness. Just as a man could not see a demon in any vision that would fairly represent it, without dying of fright, neither could he see a soul that is in sin without dying of terror. 

🔥In the moment in which sin is committed, a soul becomes extremely repulsive of God. It is not possible for any intelligence in Heaven or on earth to come to comprehension of how great the abhorrence is, how profound the hatred is, with which God regards sin. Yes, indeed! God hates sin and necessarily abhors it. Just as it is not possible for Him to cease loving Himself as Supreme Good likewise, it is not possible that He cease hating sin as the supreme evil. 

🔥The moment one sins, his soul from being a child of God, becomes a slave of the devil. The condition of a possessed person moves us to compassion; for he is compelled to make room day and night within his body for a demon from Hell. But much more pitiful is the condition of someone’s soul who, by sin, becomes a slave of the devil and is constrained to live under his tyrannical power. 

🔥Now, someone possessed may happen to be the child of God and enjoy His grace, having full confidence that he will succeed in enjoying Him forever in Heaven. But one in sin is God’s enemy, is without His grace, and is liable to fall into hell at anytime, with the same slave-mater accompanying him to torment him there forever. 

🔥The moment one sins, his soul falls into the vilest, most deplorable condition. There is nothing more shameful than sin, nothing more blame worthy than the sinner. Imagine Oh Christian soul, that God opened everyone’s eyes so that they could look into your heart clearly and see all your vices, all the sins you have committed during your lifetime by thought, word and deed. 

🔥Oh! What a shame would you have? Ah! What an embarrassment to God? If it were like these, would you not first seek a hiding place in the grottos and caves of deserts rather than appear before men? Even in the judgment of the same natural right of reason, there is nothing more shameful than sin, nor anything more vile than the sinner. 

🔥“We read, in the life of Sister Catherine of St. Augustine, that in the place where she resided, there was a woman, of the name of Mary, who in her youth was a sinner, and in her old age continue, so obstinate in wickedness. As a result of her sinful life, she was driven out of the city, and reduced to live in a secluded cave, there she died, half consumed by disease, without the sacraments, and was consequently interred in a field like a beast. Ah! If we mortals hate a sinful man like this, how much hatred must he not be before God?

🔥Oh! Christian soul, if you know how you ought to blush before God, in whose presence you have committed so many sin and before whose eyes all the hideous things of your life continually lie bare and before whom nothing unclean could stand, you ought to be very careful with the salvation of your soul. 

🔥Oh! Unhappy tongues! How many loose words have you not uttered? Oh! Unworthy hands! How many forbidden acts have you not performed? Oh! Disorderly heart! How many objects have you not wrongfully love or wrongfully hated?

🔥Oh! My God exclaimed St. Anthony Mary Claret, “if a single sin arouse in thee a horror and an infinite  , how in your sight does my soul appear in which nothing else is seen but only sin? Where shall I flee to hide myself and conceal my shameful guilt? O sin! How lovable you seem to one who commits you. How bitter and hateful you are after you have been committed. Truly, if everybody knew me as God does, there would not be a saint in Heaven nor a man on earth who would not look away in greatest horror.    

🙏🏻O GOD, You made us for  Yourself, and souls are restless until they rest in Thee. Teach us O Lord, the way to Thy kingdom. And grant us the grace to resist and hate sin even the least one with every possible means and see it as the greatest of all evil. Above all, turn us from sinners into great Saints. Amen🌹🌹🌹

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