2023年8月20日 星期日

Facebook 119

 In times of difficulties, the way of sanctity:

In that very obedience he should embrace patient suffering in hard and contrary things----- or even whatever wrongs are inflicted---- with a quiet conscience , and , enduring it, not grow weary or withdraw . As the Scripture says: He who shall have persevered to the end, he shall be saved , and , again: Make strong thine heart and endure the Lord.And to show that the faithful man ought also to endure all contrary things for the Lord, it says in the person of the suffering : For Thee we are afflicted with death all the day, we are counted among the sheep of the slaughter. Then , secure in the hope of divine reward, they continue , rejoicing and saying : But in all these we overcome because of Him who hath loved us; and, again, in another place, the Scripture : Thou has searched us, O God, with fire tried us as with fire is silver tried. Thou has led us into a trap. Thou hast placed tribulations on our back. Then, to show we ought to be under a superior, it continues, saying: Thou hast established men over our heads. Moreover, fulfilling the command of the Lord through  patience amid misfortunes and wrongs, they who, struck on one cheek , offer the other , and pressed into going a mile, go two; with Paul the Apostle, they endure false brothers , and those cursing them they will bless.

Through humble confession he hide not from his Abba all the bad thoughts entering his heart or the evils done by him in secret. Begging us to do this, the Scripture says:"Unveil thy way to the Lord and hope in Him. Confess to the Lord, because He is good, because His mercy is unto the age." And, again , the Prophet: "My offense I made known to Thee and my injustice I hid not." I have said: "Unto the Lord mine injustice shall I pronounce against myself---- and Thou hast forgiven the impiety of mine heart."




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...