2023年8月24日 星期四

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 Now our task is to do all we can to be saints--- saints who love Jesus with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind; love as God commanded us to love! He commanded it, so it is possible. Nothing is impossible for God. 

To run the race to its completion, we need to love God. That is the essence of everything: Love. True love for Him will compel us to want to obey Him. Yes, we will fail at times; He knew that. So He became man to give us gifts, tools that will empower us to cross the finish line. What did He give? First, He became man and died to make it possible for us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But He also became man to stay with us in the Holy Eucharist.

For this He founded the Church, the Catholic Church that , guided by the Holy Spirit , would protect the truths He had taught and be the means for Him to remain with us on earth. Jesus gave the Apostles the power to change bread and wine into His Body and Blood, and the power to pass on that power to those whom they would ordain.He would continue to choose men to guide His Church , making it possible for Jesus to remain with us in the Most Holy Eucharist.It is the greatest gift Jesus has given us, for by loving and adoring Him in the Holy Eucharist, and lovingly receiving Him in Holy Communion, we receive great graces that make it possible for us to avoid sin and live in the state of grace, which is a share in His Divine Nature! What an immensely great gift , a gift that divinizes us, if we cooperate with His grace.

Sadly, many of His followers walked away. They did not believe Jesus. But faithful Catholics believe Him; He is Truth , He is love, He is the way to the Father. We believe because He said it , and He said it clearly, repeatedly.

" In the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ Himself ."( Catechism of the Catholic Church 1324)

" Eucharistic Adoration will make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in Heaven." ---- St Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Resolve: Pray fervently for Christian unity, so that all will come to know the joy, and all the benefits, of being united in the one true Faith.




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...