2023年8月17日 星期四

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 Also for those who are not nuns and monk. Can be applied to every lay catholics:

The habit of regular observance sometimes runs up against a danger: namely that of carrying out the prescribed exercises almost mechanically, through habit and without the fervor of devotion. Woe to a religious house when, in place of the fervor of charity, there prevails only the iron discipline of the rules!

A broad and open heart is required. In order that such narrowness may never oppress the heart, it is necessary to feed in it the fire of divine charity with daily exercises and holy meditations.The abbot will feed this flame by means of ---- the daily exercise of mental prayer.

Very simple for everyday mental prayer: read a paragraph from the Bible or Gospel, meditate, reflect, write on diary. Act of contrition. Resolution to improve in certain aspects. Talk to God by your own words. Develop affection to God by your own conversation with Him.




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 每天必須唸玫瑰經至少四串, 用5 分鐘默想玫瑰經奧跡, 用聖經和聖書默想 每天必須唸 st bridget 15 prayers聖婦碧瑾十五篇禱文, 苦路經 十四處, 用十分鐘默想耶穌苦難。 每天看聖書和聖經共不可少於十五分鐘, 每天必須看 吃飯前唸經,...