In regard to the interior senses, especially the imagination, we must be watchful. There are few who are not aware of the evils to which they may be led by an uncontrolled imagination. We must eliminate daydreaming, whims and idle or useless imagery , and not merely dangerous or bad images.
It is especially when the passions have been aroused that we must exercise vigilance. We control the senses, external and internal,mainly that we may be able to keep the passions in check. Our sensible feelings of love and desire must be directed towards what is truly good, our hatred and aversion retained for what is truly evil, our delight must be reserved for the accomplishment of good deeds, our sadness felt that good has been frustrated . We must keep up our hope to obtain all that is good , and never yield to despair except in regard to evil projects; we must use courage to make us surmount the difficulties we experience in attaining our good proposals and never yield to fear except in regard to what will estrange us from God. Finally our anger must be exercised only when , after the example of our Lord , it is reasonable to be angry.All are aware by experience how very necessary it is to control our passions if we are to retain that peace of soul so necessary for a life of prayer.