Masonic plan to destroy the Catholic Church
"(The following astonishing document is from the estate of a hungarian catholic priest who died two years ago. It was found only a few days ago among the priest's personal papers. Its author, past and origin are unknown, and since its keeper is dead, we are unable to learn from him. Similar documents have been circulating in the world for a long time. But especially in view of the latest one, the Lugano study, and the fact that in our time both what is written in it and what is written here have been fulfilled almost to the letter, we must assume that we are dealing with genuine instructions.)
Grand Master Masonic directives to Masonic Catholic Bishops, March 1962
- All Masonic Brethren should report on the progress of the implementation of these crucial instructions;
- Revised in October 1993 for the final stage;
- All Freemasons active in the Catholic Church should take the following in hand and carry it through.
1. Remove St. Michael, the patron of the Catholic Church, from all prayers in and out of Mass once and for all. Remove his statues, say they are a distraction from Christ.
2. Cease penitential practices during Lent, such as not eating meat on Fridays or fasting. Discourage all acts of self-denial, replacing them with acts of joy, happiness and physical love. Say that "Christ has already earned for us the kingdom of heaven" and that "all human effort is in vain". Tell people to "take seriously the care of their health". Encourage them to eat meat, especially pork.
3. Appoint Protestant pastors to review and desacralize the Mass. Dispel the seeds of doubt about the real presence of the Eucharist in the Eucharist, and demonstrate that the Eucharist, closer to the Protestant faith, is only bread and wine, and is to be understood symbolically. Employ Protestants in schools and seminaries. Encourage ecumenism as the way to unity. Accuse all who believe in the Real Presence of disobedience to the Church.
4. Forbid the Latin liturgy of the Mass, the adoration of the Sacraments and the singing of hymns, because they create a sense of reverence for the mystery. Set them up as "hocus-pocus" of the prophets. People will then no longer look up to priests as highly intelligent and respectable mysterious persons.
5. Encourage women not to wear hats in church. Hair is sexy. Require women to be preachers, communion assistants, deaconesses and priests. Make this a democratic ideal. Start a women's liberation movement. Make church-goers dress sexy, it will diminish the importance of the Mass.
6. Tell parents and guardians to discourage children from folding their hands before and after communion. Tell them that God loves them just the way they are and wants them to feel completely at ease. Stop all kneeling and genuflecting in church. Remove the kneelers. Tell people to witness standing during the Holy Mass.
7. Bring guitars, Jewish harps, drums, "foot stomping", and "holy laughter" into the churches. This prevents people from personal prayer and conversation with Jesus. Do not give Jesus time to invite children to religious life. Perform liturgical dances at the altar in sexy costumes, plays and concerts.
8. Take away the sacral character of the hymns to the Mother of God and to St. Joseph. Say that their worship is idolatry. Ridicule those who insist on their worship. Introduce Protestant hymns. This will give the appearance that the Catholic Church is finally acknowledging that Protestant is the true religion, or at least equal to Catholic.
9. Introduce new hymns, thus convincing people that the older rites were somehow wrong. Make sure that in every Mass there is at least one hymn that does not mention Jesus, but is only about love for people. Young people will be inspired when they hear about brotherly love. Preach a sermon about love, tolerance and unity. Don't mention Jesus. Forbid the preaching of the Eucharist in any form.
10. Remove from the altar the relics of the saints, and then the altar itself. Replace it with pagan, unsanctified tables suitable for the presentation of living sacrifices at satanic masses. Abolish the church law that states that Holy Mass can only be celebrated on an altar containing relics.
11. Abandon the practice of saying Mass before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. Do not allow altars used for Mass to have tabernacles. Make the table look like a dining room table. It should be portable to indicate that it is not a sacred thing, but something that serves a dual purpose, such as a conference table or a card table. Later, add at least one chair to the table. The priest should sit on it, indicating that he will rest after communion - after the meal. During the Holy Mass, the priest should never kneel or genuflect. It is not customary to kneel at meals. The priest's chair should be in the place of the tabernacle. Encourage people to venerate the priest and not the Eucharist, to obey him and not the Eucharist. Tell them that the priest is the Christ, he is the Head. Put the tabernacle in another room, out of sight.
12. Remove the saints from the church calendar, a few at a time. Forbid priests to preach about saints unless they are mentioned in the Gospel. Say it would offend any Protestants who might be present in the church. Avoid anything that would bother Protestants.
13. When reading the Gospel, omit the word "holy", e.g. instead of "Gospel according to St. John", simply say "Gospel according to John". This will show people that they are no longer to be respected. Keep writing new Bibles that are identical to the Protestant Bibles. Drop the word "holy" in connection with the Holy Spirit. This will open the way. Emphasize the feminine character of God as a loving mother. Do not allow the word "Father" to be used.
14. Then the litanies to the Heart of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph and the prayers in preparation for Communion will be omitted. Then the thanksgiving after Communion becomes superfluous.
15. Why should the statues of our enemies be there? Call them myths or bedtime stories. Don't let them talk about angels, because that would discourage our Protestant members.
16. Abolish the little exorcism used for exorcisms, work on it, and preach it to make people believe there are no devils. Say that this is the Bible's way of saying evil, and no good story is without a villain. Then they won't believe in hell, and they won't be afraid to go there. Say that hell is just the absence of God's presence, and that's not so terrible, because life there is the same as it is here on earth.
17. Teach that Jesus was only a man with brothers and sisters, and that he hated all kinds of institutions. Say that he loved the company of prostitutes, especially Mary Magdalene. Say that he did not use the churches and synagogues, and advised them not to obey the church magistrates. Say that he was a great teacher, who, however, went astray when he disobeyed the church teachers. Speak of the cross not as a victory but as a defeat.
18. Remember that you can persuade nuns to abandon their vocation by appealing to their vanity, their kindness and their beauty. Allow them to change their monastic habit, which will automatically lead them to throw away the rosary. Show the world that there are differences of opinion in the convents. By doing so you will dry up the vocations. Tell them that they are not accepted in the habitus, and it will discredit them in the eyes of the people.
19. Burn all catechisms. Tell the teachers of the faith to teach the children to love God's people instead of God's love. It is a sign of maturity to love openly. Let the word "sex" be used every day in religion classes. Make a new religion out of "sex". Bring "sex pictures" to the faith lessons to introduce children to the facts. Make sure the pictures are easy to understand. Encourage schools to be progressive in sex education. Introduce sex education through the dioceses so that parents will not object.
20. Close all Catholic schools by reducing the number of monastic vocations. Tell the sisters that they are unpaid social workers and the Church wants to get rid of them. Insist that Catholic lay teachers be paid the same as in public schools. Employ non-Catholic teachers. Priests should be paid the same as similar lay officials. All priests should remove their cassocks and crosses so that they are acceptable to all. Make a mockery of those who do not hold to this.
21. Destroy the Pope by destroying his universities. Separate the universities from the Pope. Tell him that the government will then support them. Change the names of the religious institutions and give them profane names. Tell them it is ecumenical. Establish ecumenical chapters in every diocese. Make sure they are under Protestant control. Do not allow prayers to the Pope or to Mary, because that would discourage ecumenism. Proclaim that the diocesan bishops are to be regarded as the competent authority, the Pope merely a figurehead. Tell the people that the Pope's teaching is for entertainment only, but is otherwise of no importance.
22. Attack the authority of the Pope by setting an age limit on his office. Push this through by all means.
23. Be bold. Weaken the Pope by making bishops' synods regular. The Pope will then be a figurehead, like in England, where the upper and lower houses rule and the Queen takes her orders from them. Then weaken the authority of the bishops by creating a counter-institution at the clerical level. Say that this is how priests get the recognition they deserve. Then weaken the authority of the priests by setting up lay groups to rule over them. This will create so much hatred that even cardinals will leave the Church, and the Church will now be democratic.
24. Reduce the priestly vocations so that the laity lose respect for them. A publicized priestly scandal will destroy thousands of vocations. Praise the fallen priests who gave up everything for the love of a woman. Call them heroes, heroic. Honour as martyrs the lay priests who were so oppressed that they could bear it no longer. Condemn and call scandalous the publication of the names of our practising Masonic brothers. Be tolerant of homosexuality in priests. Tell people that priests are lonely.
25. Start by closing churches for lack of priests. Call it economical and good business practice. Tell them that God answers prayer everywhere. So churches are an extravagant waste of money. First close churches where old-school traditions are cherished.
26. Use lay committees and priests of weak faith who are quick to reject and condemn all apparitions of Mary and all alleged miracles, especially those involving the Archangel St Michael. Make sure that after Vatican Council II, nothing of the sort is recognized. Say that it is disobedience to authority to follow or think about the messages. Say of the prophets that they are disobedient to the authority of the Church. Bring them into disrepute and then no one will think to pay attention to the messages.
27. Elect an antipope. Say he will bring Protestants back into the Church, and maybe even Jews. The way to elect an antipope is to give the right to vote to the bishops. Then they will elect so many popes that the antipope can be appointed as a compromise. Tell me the real pope is dead.
28. Abolish confession before Holy Communion for children in grades II and III, so that confession is no longer important for them when they enter grades IV, V or higher. Then confession will disappear. Introduce group confessions (silently) and group absolutions. Tell people it is because of the lack of priests.
29. Allow women and lay people to give holy communion. Say that this is the time for the laity. Start by handing over the sacrament like Protestants. Say that Christ did the same. Collect some wafers in our churches for "black masses". Then, instead of giving personal communion, give wafers in a container to take home. Tell them that this is how God's gift can be incorporated into daily life. Employ communion vending machines and call them tabernacles. Say that the sign of peace is to be passed on to one another. Encourage people to go around so that devotion and prayer may be interrupted. Do not make the sign of the cross, but instead use the sign of peace. Say that Christ also went out to greet his disciples. Do not allow any form of piety at this time. Let the priests turn their backs on the Eucharist, and let the people pay homage.
30. After the election of the antipope, dissolve the synods of bishops, priestly associations and parishes. Forbid priests to question the new directives.
Tell them that God is a lover of humility and hates those who seek respect.
Accuse all those who question disobedience to church authority. Discourage obedience to God. Tell the people that these church leaders must be obeyed.
31. Give the antipope supreme power to choose his followers. Under pain of excommunication, command all who love God to wear the mark of the beast. Do not call it the "mark of the beast". Do not put the cross on people, nor they on themselves. (Do not bless.) Cross-bearing is to be called idolatry and disobedience.
32. Declare the old dogmas false, except the one about the infallibility of the Pope. Say that Jesus Christ was a revolutionary, but a failure. Say that the true Christ is coming soon.
33. Order all the Pope's subjects to fight in the "holy crusade" to spread the one "world religion". Only the elected antipope is to be obeyed. Tell the people that they must bow down when his name is spoken. Satan knows where all the lost gold is. Conquer the world ruthlessly!"
With thy tears of blood, O sorrowful Mother, destroy the rule of satan. Through Thy divine tenderness, O bound and fettered Jesus, defend the world from the errors which threaten it. Amen.
Since the number of Satan worshippers is increasing and Satan has infiltrated even the church through the masonic peace priests, and into our families and into our environmental and public life, let we reverently pray this exorcism prayer preferably fifty times on our prayer chain/rosary:
Saint Pio said:
Supplicant prayer has tremendous power.