2023年9月1日 星期五

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If one day, you are called to become a sister, what will you do? Deny, ignore, or pursue what you believe is a call. BUT FIRST HOW DO YOU KNOW GOD IS CALLING YOU? 

God’s invitations can come in many different ways. A call is unique for each person in each circumstance.  This invitation may start within you when:

–a voice within you keeps calling you to be a sister.

–you experience a hunger for intimacy with God.

–an inspiring quote, a sister’s story, or the works of a religious community touches you deeply and leads you to consider becoming a sister.

–you dream of working with the poor or working for justice and peace.

you experience something missing in your life and you want to work for something bigger than yourself.

In some cases, the invitation can be unexpected:

–a thunderbolt hitting your ears when someone says: “Have you ever thought of becoming a sister?”

–a joke you may really hate; “You act or look like a nun, why don’t you be one of them?”

–a bet between you and someone encouraging you to contact a religious community.

God’s invitation can also seem confusing or unsettling. For example:

Your fiancé hands you a retreat registration; “I registered you for a retreat. You should explore your call before we get married.” Don’t feel resentful towards him.

You often don’t feel peaceful, but have a sense of emptiness while dating, or even one or two weeks before getting married. Pay attention to that sign.


 “For humans, it is impossible; but for God, all is possible.” (Matthew 19:26).

–Blog by Sr. Mai Dung Nguyen




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