My child, you complain because I Will to keep you in the dark; but remember that after darkness comes light, and then you shall have light indeed.
I put you to this test for My greater glory, to give joy to the Angels, for your greater gain and also for example to others.
If you do really love Me, you should love Me even in the midst of darkness.
I delight in and play with souls. I play through love.
Be not afflicted if I begin to abandon you.
Do not think it chastisement.
It is truly My own Will in order to detach from creatures and unite you to Myself.
When I appear to be far away then I am near at hand.
Take courage, for after the battle comes peace.
Fidelity and love must be thy necessary weapons.
For the present, therefore, be patient if I leave you alone.
Suffer, be resigned and be consoled.
I am leading you by rough and sorrowful ways, and you should consider yourself honoured when I treat you thus and when by a daily and hidden martyrdom I allow your soul to be tried and purified.
Think only for the present of how you art to practice great virtue.
Make haste in the ways of Divine Love, humble yourself and rest assured that if I keep you on the Cross, I love you.
Be not like some who, being attached to consolations and spiritual satisfactions, care but little for the Cross.
Finding themselves in desolation of spirit, they shorten by degrees the time of prayer because they no longer find in it the consolations they had before experienced.
– Jesus: to St. Gemma Galgani