When you have the intention to please God in all your actions as the happiest and best thing in the world, you will find yourself disliking everything that is vain and inappropriate in common life, whether of business or pleasure. You will be as fearful of living in any foolish way,either of spending your time or your money, as you are now fearful of not attending church or not saying prayers.A Christian businessman will no longer drink or swear or laugh at dirty jokes simply because others do . A Christian secretary or athlete will no longer dress immodestly simply because others do. If it is your goal to please God in everything, you will be different from most professing Christians, and certainly different from the world.
If a clergyman intends to please God in everything, he will not love the music and entertainment of the world that distracts his heart from Jesus Christ. Instead, he will set an example for the congregation by his holy living.
Let a worker have the intention to please God in all things,and it will make him a saint in his shop. His everyday business will be a course of wise and reasonable actions, made holy to God by being done in obedience to His will and pleasure. He will buy and sell and labor and travel because by so doing he can do some good to himself and others. But then, as nothing can please God but what is wise and reasonable and holy, so he will neither buy or sell nor labor in any other manner or to any other goal except that which may be shown to be wise and reasonable and holy.
He will not therefore consider what skills or methods or machines will soonest make him richer and greater than others or allow him to most quickly retire to a life of ease and pleasure, but he will consider what skills and methods and machines can make worldly business most acceptable to God and make his work a life of holiness,devotion, and piety. This will be the intent and spirit of every worker. He cannot stop short of these degrees of piety whenever it is his intention to please God in all his actions as the best and happiest thing in the world. He should not live in idleness and indulgence, in excessive sports , entertainment and pleasures, in drunkenness, in wasteful expenses and high living, because these things cannot be turned into means of piety and holiness or made part of a wise and godly life.He will not waste his time and resources in vain sports and theater and expensive hobbies, because an inspired apostle has said, For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.