2023年9月30日 星期六

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 God the father said to Saint Catherine of Siena:" Fully converted souls would rather delight in the cross with Christ , acquiring it with pain, than to obtain eternal life in any other way ."

Saint Catherine of Siena was instructed by God the Father about how blessed souls obtain mental peace by accepting God's will:" No one born passes this life without pain, bodily or mental. Bodily pain my servants bear, but their minds are free, that is , they do not feel the weariness of the pain, for their will is accorded with Mine, and it is the will that gives trouble to man...They bear everything with reverence, deeming themselves favored in having tribulation for my sake, and they desire nothing but what I desire...I permit these tribulations through love , and not through hatred .And they who love Me recognize this. Examining themselves,they see their sins, and understand by the light of faith that good must be rewarded and evil punished...The blessed deem themselves favored because I wish to chastise them in this life, and in this finite time. They drive away sin with contrition of heart... and their labors are rewarded with infinite good.




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