2023年9月9日 星期六

Contemplation part 4

 Contemplation and passive prayer ( part 4):

Besides the trial of aridity which , as we have said , is sometimes very severe in this stage of prayer, other trials , crosses or sufferings have to be endured. Indeed it is possible that the soul may experience even now some of the trials of the Passive Dark Night of the Spirit , though usually they are not so severe. It is important to realize that all these trial are sent or permitted for our purification . A long combat with distractions is sometimes one of the severest of these trials. Moreover for our consolation and as a help to our perseverance we must ever bear in mind the assurance of St. Paul that we are never tested beyond what we are able to bear. We are so weak that it is necessary to keep these truths ever fresh in our minds. Yet in the Passive Dark Night of the Senses so many souls get uneasy and require confirmation from a competent judge that they are on the right track and also need to be encouraged to bear their trials with patience and fortitude that in most cases the help of a sympathetic and experienced director is almost indispensable.Where such a director cannot be obtained ( St. John of the Cross laments there are so few) we can trust that God will give special light and help to a soul sincerely desirous of being faithful. But as God respects the social nature of man, the service of a spiritual director should be utilized where available. The spiritual director has, moreover, to judge the value of the prayer. While encourging he has to be firm and see if the soul is developing delicacy of conscience in practising all the virtues. This will always be the acid test in deciding if the soul is really being led by the Spirit of God. 

To answer this quesion it is necessary to distinguish between mystic prayer and certain extraordinary experiences of persons favoured with passive prayer. Those who are thus favoured and who have any difficulties concerning their prayer must consult an experienced director. St John of the Cross uses the very striking expression that in mystic prayer " the substance of God is joined to the substance of the soul." How this is to be understood is known only by those who have experience. Mystic souls understand the analogies used by the saints, and the analogy of touch appears most satisfactory to express the deep union that takes place. There are four principal stages with various subdivisions. The first stage is the Prayer of Quiet when the soul is first introduced to this mystic union and the activity of the intellect and will is suspended, but though the touch of God is felt, it is transient. When the union becomes more habitual and the activity of all the interior faculties is suspended , it is known as the prayer of Union. A further stage is Ecstatic Union when the union becomes so intense as to suspend the activity of the exterior senses. The final stage is Spiritual Marriage when the union is made as complete as it can be made in this mortal life...

To be continued...




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...