2023年9月1日 星期五

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The Unceasing Act of Love Revealed to the Capuchin Nun, Sister Mary Consolata

Jesus and Mary, I love You, save souls! 🙏❤️

On their behalf and for those of the coming centuries, Sister Consolata's spiritual director requested a letter from her in which she would expound her own thoughts on how to practice the unceasing act of love and offer some practical advice. We reproduce this letter almost in its entirety, and every Littlest One may consider it to have been written expressly for her or for him. Its content is all the more valuable since it has found confirmation in Sister Consolata's own life which will hardly ever be surpassed in continuity and virginity of love.


“When you go to rest in the evening, you should ask your good guardian angel to love Jesus on your behalf while you are asleep, to awaken you in the morning, and to inspire you to the act of love. If you will be faithful in asking this of him each evening, he will be faithful in awakening you every morning with a 'Jesus, Mary, I love You! Save souls!’
"Begin your day in this way, and continue to love until you meet Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. That does not mean that you should neglect all other prayers. No! Carry on your usual practices of piety, but do not add any others. Let your act of love absorb your every spare moment, and in the future even some of your vocal prayers if Jesus so inspires you.
"In Holy Communion entrust and abandon yourself to Jesus, your troubles, projects, desires, and sorrows, and then think no more about them. For the whole life of a Littlest One is based upon this
Divine promise: - “I will think of everything, even to the least detail; you must think only of loving Me!” - Copy these words out under an image of the Sacred Heart, and do it in such a way that they will be always in sight. They will be a great help to you in freeing your spirit from all preoccupation, and you will experience in yourself how faithfully Jesus keeps His promise.

"After having abandoned everything to Jesus during Holy Communion, renew to Him your promise of the unceasing act oflove, your 'yes' to everything He will demand of you throughout the day, and determine to see Him, to speak with Him, and to serve Him lovingly in all His creatures with whom you will come in contact.
"Form your intention once and for all that your every act of love may ascend to heaven as a supplication, to implore fidelity for yourself in persevering uninterruptedly until your next Communion, and that it be in reparation for your every infidelity.

"As you leave the church, begin with your act of love, and continue it on your way, at home, and while carrying out each of your duties. Remember that Jesus has given His promise that while you are writing, or praying, or meditating, or while you must speak out of necessity or charity, your act of love will continue just the same.
"Arrange to have before you, if possible, while you work an image or a card with the words: 'Jesus, Mary, I love You!
Save souls!' This will serve as a reminder to you.
*Among the obstacles which prevent you from offering
Jesus the unceasing virginal act of love, Our Lord teaches us to combat three: useless thoughts, useless talk, and outside inter-ests. As for thoughts and preoccupations, everything becomes useless from the moment that Jesus promises His Littlest One that He Himself will think of everything, even to the smallest details. As for useless talk, if you speak when you are not obliged to do so out of necessity, charity or propriety, then it is a waste of time; you steal time from Love. As for extraneous interests, curiosity, etc., all these detach your spirit from the one thing to which you have vowed yourself: to love Jesus unceasingly and with a virginal love.
"It is necessary, however, for you to realize that, to carry out the divine wishes, never to lose one act of love or one act of charity from one Communion to another, will require arduous work from your soul (sustained by grace), no small amount of time, and a generous, constant effort; above all, never let yourself become discouraged.

*At every more or less voluntary infidelity, renew your determination of virginal love, and start afresh. If your fault causes you suffering, you should offer it to Jesus... as an act of love!
You will see and will be able to experience with what tenderness Jesus raises you up again after each fall or infidelity, how He hastens to put you on your feet again, so that you may continue your canticle of love.

"What will aid you most in offering Jesus the unceasing act of love, is to renew your resolution at every hour and to make a particular examen of your conscience concerning it.
Keep in mind that in this particular examen about the unceasing act of love you are to note as faults only the time which you have wasted in useless talk or in following your imagination, vain thoughts, etc...
.. Make good your shortcomings, and
then take up your loving again with tranquillity.
The resolution, however, to which you must consecrate all your energies should always concern the unceasing act of love. Have no fear! Jesus will aid you. He has said: I ask only one thing of you: an unceasing act of love..
Love Me, for I thirst
for your love.... Love Me, and you will be happy; the more you will love Me, the happier you will be!... Jesus keeps His word!
"So, have courage! Jesus and Mary will aid you! Never have any fear, but trust and believe in the love which He has for you!"





聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...