2023年2月26日 星期日

St bridget revelations chapter 128


St bridget revelation:

The  virgin Mary mother speaks: 

Speak to that priest and hermit who is my friend, the one who, against his own desires and the peace of his own soul, moved by faith and his devotion to his neighbour, leaving his solitary cell and quiet contemplation behind, from time to time comes down from his place of hermitage in order to be with people and give them spiritual counsels, whose example and saving counsel bring about the conversion of many souls and the advancement in virtue of the already converted......

Tell him then, from me that it is altogether more pleasing to God, as has been said, that he should sometimes come down from his place of hermitage and go to carry out such works of charity among his neighbours, sharing with them the virtues and graces that he receives from God, in order that by this work they may be converted and attach themselves to greater fervor to God and become sharers of his glory,than that he should enjoy spiritual consolation alone in his solitary cell in the hermitage.

Tell him , too , that he will earn a greater reward in heaven for such charitable work, provided that he always carries it out in accordance with the advice and permission of a senior spiritual father.

From chapter 128 of St. Bridget revelations.




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