2023年2月7日 星期二


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Q: Maria, do the souls in purgatory experience a feeling of rebellion for their suffering?

A: No, they want to be purified and understand that suffering is necessary.

Q: What is the importance of contrition and of repentance at the moment of death?

A: Contrition is very important.Sins are in any case forgiven, but there remains the consequence of sin. To obtain a plenary indulgence at the moment of death in order to go directly to Heaven, it is necessary that the soul be free from all attachments.


Now I would like to refer to a very significant story that Maria told us. She was asked to inquire about a woman who her relatives had thought lost because she had lived a very wicked life and was up to her neck in sin. She had been the victim of an accident; she had fallen from a train which had run over her and killed her.

A soul told Maria that this woman escaped Hell because , at the moment of her death, she had said to God:" You do well to take back my soul, as in this way I will not be able to offend You any longer." This cancelled all her sins. This is very significant, because it shows how a single act of humility, of repentance at the moment of death, saves us. This does not mean that this woman has not gone to purgatory; but she was saved from going to Hell which she should have deserved because of her conduct.




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