2023年2月17日 星期五


From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Q: what can  do for people who say, " I am suffering too much in my heart and in my body; it is too much for me, I want to die"...

A: Yes, this often happens. I used to say ... I would say:" My God , I can offer my suffering for the salvation of souls."This brings back faith and courage. But alas, there are very few who say this today. One can also tell these people that by doing so, the souls acquire a great joy for Heaven. In Heaven there are thousands of different beatitudes , and each one of them is perfect bliss. Every desire is totally fulfilled in Heaven; each one is truly aware that they could not have deserved more!

Q: Well, Maria, I would like to ask you if souls of people of other religions, for example, Jews, have visited you .

A: Yes, and they are blissfully happy. He who lives his faith well is at peace. But it is through the Catholic faith that one can earn more for Heaven.

Q: Are there any religions which are not good for the soul?
A: No, but there are many religions on earth! The nearest to the Catholic faith are the Orthodox and the Protestants. There are many Protestants who recite the Rosary. BUT SECTS ARE EXTREMELY EVIL. It is necessary to do everything possible to leave them.





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