2023年2月18日 星期六


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel 

Q: I believe that some of them have come to see you . You were telling us the story of that little girl...the youngest one you have ever seen; she was four years old. Why was she in purgatory?

A: Why ? This girl received a doll from her parents for Christmas. She had a twin sister who had also received a doll. And it happened that this little four- year old had broken her doll, and so , secretly and knowing that nobody was looking, she put her broken doll in the place of that of her sister's . She knew very well in her little heart that this would have caused great sorrow to her sister; she was aware that this was deceitful and unjust . Because of this she has been in purgatory.

Yes, children often have a more active conscience than grownups and it is necessary above all to fight against the telling of lies; they are very sensitive.

Q: Maria, how can parents help their children in forming their conscience?

A: First of all with good example, this is the most important thing, then by prayer. Parents must bless their children and teach them well the values of God.

Q: This is very important! Have souls who practised certain perversions on this earth visited you ? For example , I am thinking of those in the dominion of sexuality.

A: The souls I have known( all souls in purgatory) are not lost, but they have to suffer much to be purified . In all perversions, the evil one is present, especially in homosexuality.

Q: what advice would you give to all those who are tempted by homosexuality and who have these tendencies?

A: I would advise them to pray, to pray much in order to acquire the strength to overcome these tendencies. It is necessary to pray especially to Saint Michael the Archangel as he has the greatest power to fight the Devil!

Q: Oh, yes, saint Michael the Archangel! what are the inclinations of the heart which can lead us to the loss of our souls , namely Hell?

A: It is when we do not want to go to God, when we resolutely say: " I do not want !...."




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...