2023年2月27日 星期一

St Charbel and desert fathers

  The desert fathers 

Gregory said: God asks three things of anyone who is baptized: to keep the true faith with all his soul and all his might; to control his tongue ; to be chase in his body.".

Pambo said to Antony, "what shall I do?" Antony said," do not trust in your righteousness . Do not go on sorrowing over a deed that is past . Keep your tongue and your belly under control. 

Evagrius said," Some of our predecessors used to say that a dry and regular diet combined with love will soon bring a monk to the harbour where the storms of passion do not enter."

Saint Charbel Makhlouf

As a hermit, father Charbel learned and followed the rules of his order to the letter, which include:

1. He must say mass and visit the chapel frequently night and day,( In my opinion, lay catholics cannot always visit the chapel. We can use youtube: perpetual adoration of the Holy Eucharist , to adore Jesus .)

2. He must pray, meditate , and read the Holy scriptures and bible.

3. He must do manual labor as a powerful remedy for many temptations , as a proof that he is not deserting his human obligations and in accordance with the stern injunction of St Paul : If anyone will not work, neither let him eat.

4. He must live a life of strict poverty.

Father Charbel did penance alone and in silence, for the rule states:

1. The hermit can eat only one meal a day, which is sent by the monastery.

2. He must never eat meat or drink wine. During Lent he can only have vegetables with a little oil.( P.S: St Teresa of Avila , same as St Charbel, were both incorruptible saints. St Teresa ate fish but no meat.)

3. He must not sleep more than five hours.

4. He must observe strict silence. In case of necessity, he must speak briefly and in subdued tones.

5. He must not leave the hermitage without the express consent of his superior.

It was in this secluded sanctuary that Father Charbel spent the remaining 23 years of his life practicing severe mortification . It is recorded by his companions that he wore a hair shirt, practiced corporal punishment, chained himself , slept on the hard ground and ate only one meal a day---- the leftovers from his fellow monk's meals.

Father Charbel pillow was a piece of wood covered with an old cloth, a remnant from an old habit. His bed was made of goat hair and laid directly on the floor

Although a hermit, he was not exempt from the supervision and orders of his superiors . He was to follow strict religious practices and carry out a severe ascetic way of life.

Father Charbel had a certain amount of religious books for holy reading everyday.

Father Charbel day would start with adoration of the Eucharist , prayers and celebration of the Holy Mystery, followed by manual labor , fasting , penance, continous prayer, little sleep , mortification of the body, all of which Father Charbel practiced with utmost humility and love.

After his death , his body was found to be perfectly preserved , strange fluid continued to issue from its pores . The fluid could cure a lot of sick people .




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...