2023年11月16日 星期四

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The 8th of February, the day appointed by God on which Satan was to leave Nicola forever, arrived at last. After the solemn procession, the Bishop began the last exorcism.

"I shall not ask thee any longer ", said the Bishop to Satan, "when thou intendest to leave, I will expel thee instantly by the power of the Living God, and by the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, His beloved Son, here present in the Sacrament of the Altar".

"Ah, yes!" shrieked the demon. "I confess that the Son of God is really and truly present.  He is my Lord and Master. It tortures me to confess it, but I am forced to do so". Then he repeated several times, with a wild, unearthly howl: "Yes, it is true I must confess it. I am forced to leave, by the power of God's Body here present.  I must...I must depart. It torments me that I must go so soon, and that I must confess the truth. But this truth is not from me; it comes from my Lord and Master, who has sent me hither, and who commands and compels me to confess the truth publicly ".

The Bishop then took the Blessed Sacrament in his hand, and holding it on high, he said, with a solemn voice: "O thou wicked,  unclean spirit,  Beelzebub! Thou arch-enemy of the Eternal God! Behold, here present, the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Lord and Master! I adjure thee, in the name and by the power of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, who is here present; I command thee to depart instantly  and forever from this creature of God.  Depart to the deepest depth of hell, there to be tormented forever.  Go forth, unclean spirit,  go forth- ..behold here thy Lord and Master!"

Satan tried to escape from the presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. All present trembled with terror, especially when they heard the wild cry of the demon, which sounded like like the loud roar of a wild bull. They fell on their knees, and with the tears in their eyes, began to cry out: "Jesus have mercy!" The Bishop continued to urge Satan. At last the evil spirit departed. 

Many a heretic also said: "I believe now in the presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament; I have seen with my eyes! I will remain a heretic no longer.  Accursed be those who have until now kept me in error! Oh, now I can understand what a good thing is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!"

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 #釋放祈禱 五部曲(4)

四部曲 #權威 #權柄







#綑綁 誘惑 加深我們的慾望










名利 地位 唯利 政治鬥爭 計謀

情慾 色迷 享樂主義 







內心瘋狂 進入地獄永火


墮天使 惡神 魔鬼 黑暗勢力世界掌權者 善於說謊 引誘 捆綁我們

黃 賭 毒 酒 



科幻 鬼怪 恐怖 奇幻 






1 #錯誤 我們的錯誤的思想 言語 行為

2 #情緒 我們被綑綁的陰影情緒

3 #行為 我們被綑綁的現況








釋放祈禱五部曲 二十分鐘版本







感覺自己的痛苦的陰影的情緒「名詞」是什麼 ?

比如 沮喪 失望 傷心…


自己有什麼「錯 」..比如 嫉妒 驕傲


口語化「天主經 」






耶穌的教導是 「寬恕」





棄絕自己的 「錯誤」 (在第一步驟中覺察到的)



#棄絕精神、生理 、心理受傷害後

自己的錯誤的思、言 、行 …………


四、#權威 #權柄











阿肋路亞 阿爸………..




2023年11月9日 星期四

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🌹  In her message dated October 25 2022 to visionary Marija on that day, the Blessed Mother said:

"Dear children! The Most High permits me to be with you, and to be joy for you and the way in hope, BECAUSE MANKIND HAS DECIDED FOR DEATH..

*That is why He sent me to keep instructing you that without God you do not have a future. Little children, be instruments of love for all those who have not come to know the God of love. Witness joyfully your faith and do not lose hope in a change of the human heart. I am with you and am blessing you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call." (End of quote.)

🔥  Elsewhere, in Italy on Oct. 19, 2022, the tone of urgency was also in the message of the Blessed Mother through mystic Valeria Coppini, urging that youths be told about the reality of hell. She said:

“My dearly beloved little children, today I ask you to speak about hell, especially to young people. They do not admit that the pains of hell exist; they talk about it among themselves and laugh at those who inform them about this eternity, which is full of pain alone. Dear children, help me to make these young people of mine understand that eternal pains are real, just as eternal joys are real, whereby my children who are obedient to God’s Word will enjoy the love of their Creator forever.

“I am sad: I suffer much for these little children of mine, so I ask you not to leave me on my own in these last times. Pray and make others pray, especially for priests, that they would take this difficult task to heart: it is especially up to them to bring to my Son all the young people who are far from the Church and therefore from God. For you, the times are being fulfilled; your [present] world will come to an end to make way for what is spiritual on earth.

“My children, I know that I can count on you who follow my teachings; always be consistent in your way of behaving and of awakening consciences that are far from God. May the Holy Mass always be in the first place in your lives, as Jesus will act through you. I love you, my dearly beloved children; I am always close to you and I pray to Jesus that He would grant you all His love. I give you my great love. Your true Mother.” (End of quote.)

🔥  Meanwhile, allow me to share some quotes from the Blessed Mother during her apparitions in Fatima, Portugal in 1917:

“I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. They must not continue to offend Our Lord, Who is already too much offended.”

“If my requests are not granted, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church. Many good people will be martyred, there will come another great war, and various nations will be destroyed.“

“Wars are a punishment for the sins of mankind.” 🔥 💣 

“More souls go to Hell because of the sins of the flesh than for any other reason.”

“Certain fashions are being introduced that offend Our Lord very much.”

“Many marriages are not good; they do not please Our Lord and are not of God.”

“Say the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world. And after each decade say the following prayer: ‘O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of Thy mercy.'”

“Pray, pray a great deal, and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to Hell because they have no-one to make sacrifices and pray for them.”

“God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.”

“I promise to help at the hour of death with the graces needed for salvation those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, go to confession, receive Holy Communion, say five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the mysteries, with the intention of making reparation to my Immaculate Heart.”

“Tell everybody that God gives His graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask graces from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to her... In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph, Russia will be converted and there will be peace.


#BVM #OurLadyQueenofPeace #OurLadyofMedjugorje #OurLadyofFatima #ImmaculateHeartofMary #MarijaPavlovicLunetti #ValeriaCoppini #BVM

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 "Confession is more powerful than an exorcism. One is a sacrament and the other is a blessing. One confession is worth 100 exorcisms. The devil wants to destroy the soul and the soul is healed by confession. If people want to decrease the work of Satan, they should increase the use of confession. Once the confessional line gets thin, the activity of Satan increases. To decrease the work of Satan, increase the use of confession." ~ Msgr. John Esseff (Exorcist 40 years)

2023年11月8日 星期三

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—Saint Thomas Aquinas

Oh Glorious SAINT JOSEPH, thou who hast power to render possible even things which are considered impossible, come to our aid in our present trouble and distress. Take this important and difficult affair under thy particular protection, that it may end happily. (Name your request)

O dear Saint Joseph, all our confidence is in thee. Let it not be said that we would invoke thee in vain; and since thou art so powerful with JESUS and MARY, show that thy goodness equals thy power. Amen. 

Saint Joseph, Friend of the SACRED HEART, pray for us.

Facebook 171


Lies of the devil we hear daily,  that can make our soul perish in Hell for eternity. 

1 - It's not a sin. Don't worry about it. 

2 - Jesus is relationship not religion, religion does not save.

3 - There are no absolute truths.

4 - The devil doesn't exist.

5 - We are all children of God. Every one will be saved. 

6 - All religions lead to God.

7 - Why follow the truth revealed?, If you can have a ′′ god ′′ at your convenience.

8 - Dogmas tie us to ignorance.

9 - Why confess to a man who can be more of a sinner than you. 

10 - All priests are rapists and they're there for the money.

11 - It's my body, my choice. I decide.

12 - Why baptize a baby?, wait until he grows up and ask him if he wants to be a Christian.

13 - God doesn't care about you. 

14.- Hell is an invention to scare you to obey and not question. 

15 - Purgatory is an invention of the Church to bring money to the faithful.

16 - Don't go to Mass, it's a pure waste of time. 

17 - It's your life and no one can tell you what to do. 

18 - Why do you confess if you will sin again?.

19 - Marry?, For what?, love is without commitment.

20 - Look at you, you've sinned a lot, God will never forgive you.

21 - You're going to sin again so why bother repenting?

Let us make the most of today's life and turn back to God.

2023年11月3日 星期五

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 Christians who wish to escape the rigors of Purgatory must love the mortification of their divine Master, and beware of being delicate members under a Head crowned with thorns .On 10/2/1656 , in the province of Lyrons, Father Francis of Aix , of the Society of Jesus , passed away to a better life.He carried all the virtues of a Religious to a high degree of perfection. Penetrated with a profound veneration towards the most Blessed Trinity , he had for particular intention in all his prayers  and mortifications to honour this August Mystery ; to embrace by preference those works for which others showed less inclination , had a particular charm of him. He often visited the Blessed Sacrament , even during the night, and never left the door of his room without going to say a prayer at the foot of the altar. His penances, which were in a manner excessive , gave him the name of the man of suffering. He replied to one who advised him to moderate them, 

" The day which I should allow to pass without shedding some drops of my blood to offer to my God would be for me the most painful and the severest mortification. Since I cannot hope to suffer martyrdom for the love of Jesus Christ , I will at least have some part in His suffering."

Another Religious, Brother Coadjutor of this same order, did not imitate the example of this good Father. He had little love for mortification, but , on the contrary, sought his ease and comfort, and all that could gratify the senses. This brother, some days after his death, appeared to Father d' Aix, clothed in frightful haircloth, and suffering great torments, in punishment for the faults of sensuality which he had committed during life. He implored the assistance of his prayers, and immediately disappeared.

Another fault against which we must guard, because we so easily fall into it, is the unmortification of the tongue . Oh! how easy it is to err in words! How rare a thing it is to speak for any length of time without offending against humilty , meekness, sincerity , or Christian charity! Even pious persons are often subject to this defect; when they have escaped all the other snares of the demon , they allow themselves to be taken , says St. Jerome , in this last trap ---- slander.

2023年11月2日 星期四

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 St. Teresa in her works speaks of a Religious who set the highest value on the smallest indulgence granted by the Church, and endeavored to gain all in her power. She led otherwise a very ordinary life, and her virtue was of a very common order. She died, and the saint, to her great surprise, saw her soul ascend to Heaven almost immediately after her death, so that she had, so to say, no Purgatory. When St. Teresa expressed her astonishment at this, Our Lord made known to her that it was due to the great care she had taken to gain all the indulgences possible during life. " It was by that means, " He added, " that she had discharged almost the whole of her debt , which was quite considerable, before her death; and had therefore appeared with great purity before the tribunal of God."

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 The following is related by Father Cepari in his Life of St. Magdalen de Pazzi. A professed Religious, who , during her last sickness,had been most tenderly cared for by St . Magdalen, died, and as it was the custom to expose the body in the church, Magdalen felt herself inspired to go and look upon it once more. She went, therefore , to the grid of the chapter room, whence she could see it, but scarcely had she done so, than she was ravished in ecstasy, and saw the soul of the departed sister take its flight to Heaven. Transported with joy, she was heard to say," Adieu, dear sister; adieu , blessed soul! Like a pure dove, you fly to your celestial home, and leave us in this abode of misery. Oh, how beautiful and glorious you are!Who can describe the glory with which God has crowned your virtues ? What a short time you have passed the Purgatory!Your body has not yet been consigned to the tomb , and behold!your soul is already received into the sacred mansions. You now know the truth of those words I so lately addressed to you ," That all the sufferings of this life are nothing in comparison with the reward which God has reserved for His friends." In the same vision, Our Lord revealed to her that this soul had passed but fifteen hours in Purgatory , because she had suffered much during life, and because she had been careful to gain the indulgences granted by the church to her children, in virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ.

2023年10月31日 星期二

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"Then listen well, you Christians: the Mother of Jesus Christ is all-powerful and she can save her servants from falling into Hell. She is the Sun which destroys the darkness of our wiles and subtlety. It is she who uncovers our hidden plots, breaks our snares and makes our temptations useless and ineffectual.

We have to say, however reluctantly, that not a single soul who has really persevered in her service has ever been damned with us; one single sigh that she offers to the Blessed Trinity is worth far more than all the prayers, desires and aspirations of all the Saints.

We fear her more than all the other Saints in Heaven together and we have no success with her faithful servants.

Many Christians who call upon her when they are at the hour of death and who really ought to be damned according to our ordinary standards are saved by her intercession.

Oh if only that Mary had not pitted her strength against ours and had not upset our plans, we should have conquered the Church and should have destroyed it long before this; and we would have seen to it that all the Orders in the Church fell into error and disorder.

Now that we are forced to speak we must also tell you this: nobody who perseveres in saying the Rosary will be damned, because she obtains for her servants the grace of true contrition for their sins and by means of this they obtain

God's forgiveness and mercy."

- The Secret of The Rosary, St. Louis Marie de Montfort

Holy face of Jesus devotion


💥 "By offering My Face to My Eternal Father, nothing will be refused, and the conversion of many sinners will he obtained." – Our Lord To Sr. Mary of St. Peter – November 1846


to Sr. Mary of St. Peter in favor of

those who honor His Holy Face.

🌷"By My Holy Face you shall work miracles."

🌷"By My Face you will obtain the conversion of many sinners."

🌷"Nothing that you ask in making this offering will be refused to you."

🌷"If you knew how pleasing the sight of My Face is to My Father."

🌷"As in a kingdom you can procure all you wish for with a coin marked with the King’s effigy, so in the Kingdom of Heaven you will obtain all you desire with the precious coin of My Holy Face."

🌷"Our Lord has promised me that He will imprint His divine likeness on the souls of those who honor His most holy Countenance."

🌷"All those who honor My Holy Face in a spirit of reparation will, by so doing, perform the office of the pious Veronica."

🌷"According to the care you take in making reparation to My Face, disfigured by blasphemies, so will I take care of yours, which has been disfigured by sin. I will reprint therein My image and render it as beautiful as it was on leaving the Baptismal font."

🌷"Our Lord promised me that all those who defend His cause in this work of reparation, by words, by prayers, or in writing, He will defend them before His Father; at their death He will purify their souls by effacing all the blots of sin and will restore to them their primitive beauty."


💥An Act of Praise and Reparation

Dictated by Our Lord to Sr. Mary of St. Peter

🌷MAY the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and ineffable Name of God be forever praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified, in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.



OLORD Jesus Christ, in presenting ourselves before Thine adorable Face to ask of Thee the graces of which we stand most in need, we beseech Thee, above all, to grant us that interior disposition of never refusing at any time to do what Thou requirest of us by Thy holy commandments and divine inspirations. Amen.

OGOOD Jesus, who hast said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you," grant us, O Lord, that faith which obtains all, or supply in us what may be deficient; grant us, by the pure effect of Thy charity, and for Thine eternal glory, the graces which we need and which we look for from Thine infinite mercy.


BE MERCIFUL to us, O my God, and reject not our prayers, when amid our afflictions, we call upon Thy Holy Name and seek with love and confidence Thine adorable Face. Amen.

OALMIGHTY and Eternal God, look upon the Face of Thy Son Jesus. We present It to Thee with confidence, to implore Thy pardon. The All-Merciful Advocate opens His mouth to plead our cause; hearken to His cries, behold His tears, O God, and through his infinite merits hearken to Him when He intercedes for us poor miserable sinners. Amen.

ADORABLE Face of my Jesus, my only love, my light and my life, grant that I may know, love and serve Thee alone, that I may live with Thee, of Thee, by Thee and for Thee. Amen.

ETERNAL Father, I offer Thee the adorable Face of Thy Beloved Son for the honor and glory of Thy Name, for the conversion of sinners and for the salvation of the dying.

ODIVINE Jesus, through Thy face and Name, save us. Our hope is in the virtue of Thy Holy Name!

2023年10月29日 星期日

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隨口唸一篇聖母經, 就能起死回生 !若熱心地唸一串玫瑰經 ,力量該有多大呢?

Horror of hell

 Saint Veronica Giuliani is Shown Hell


"In a sudden, I found myself in a dark, deep and smelly, you heard bulls, braying of donkeys, lion roars, whistles of snakes, ghastly confusion of voices, and thunders that contributed great terror and fear. I saw flashes of fire and dense smoke. I cried out for help, but nothing!


I seemed to see a big mountain all covered with snakes, the snakes and reptiles braided together, no one recognized the other, and in quantity without a number. Beneath them, I heard curses and ghastly voices, I turned to my angels, I asked them what those voices were, and they told me that there were many damned souls, and that this place was their prison. At this point it opened immediately, the great mountain, and I seemed to see it all filled with demons and damned souls! In large numbers! The damned souls and demons were stuck together as if they were one, and the demons were connected with the damned souls with chains of fire as if the demons and souls were the same thing though every soul had so many demons upon which could not be counted. The way in which I saw this I cannot describe it, but I understood, but I do not say anything of what it is. 


Suddenly I was transported to another mountain where bulls and horses were unbridled which continuously and viciously but one another. These demons issued fire from their eyes, mouth and nose, they had swords and sharp teeth that seemed to be devouring and chewing up some type of objects into pieces. I then suddenly realized that these were SOULS of the damned with the clash of their kicking and devouring the souls, what terror it was. Do not ever stop and realize that this last forever. Then I saw other mountains with most ruthless torments, but it is impossible to describe, and the human mind can never, ever understand. In the midst of this place, there is a horrible throne, high, broad, and composed of demons! There is a horrible struggle, in the middle of the devils throan as the demons who make up this horrible throan are always warring with each other. The chair is made up of mostly demons, the head and the principal. Here it is sitting, Lucifer, ghastly, horrible. O God! What can describe such horror! More horrible and ugly than all other demons. Satan seems to have a head the size of a hundred heads, and it is full of very long spikes on top of each of which there is like an eye, big as a head of cattle, which sends arrows fire burning all of hell. 


And although this is a very big place comprising innumerable damned souls and demons, all see Lucifer without veil no matter where they are tormented Lucifer is always seen by all, and all in hell are suffering the same torments over seeing Lucifer. Lucifer sees all, and everyone sees him. Here, my angels, made me understand that, as in heaven, the sight of God, face to face, makes everyone infinitely happy and blessed, those in hell, will forever have the ugly face of Lucifer, this diabolical monster. They see Lucifer, face to face the enemy of God at all times to their ever lasting horror, and having lost God forever, and ever, they will only know horror. 


Lucifer stands out so that all the damned always sees him to their horror. Lucifer cursed and blasphemed all, it is all cursed and curses, and it haunts, and torture all for eternity. And how long is this? I asked my angels, and they answered me: Forever, for all eternity. O God! I cannot say anything, of what I have learned and been made to understand, with words, we do not have words in our way of unferdtanding. Here, now, I saw something that filled me with horro. The cushion in the chair of Lucifer, that was seated in that throne. It was the soul of Judas! And under the feet of Lucifer was a very big cushion, all torn and horrible. I was made to understand that these were souls of bad Religious who performed their duties to our Lord's Church poorly and Lukewarm; suddenly the throne was opened and I saw among numerous demons that were under the chair, a large amount of what appeared to be animald. 


Then I asked my Angels: Who are these? And they told me that they were prelates, Head of the Church, and the superiors of Religion. O God! Each soul suffers, all the damned souls of others torment each other, and I seemed to be made to understand that my being there was a torment to all the demons! And all the souls in hell. However I was not only accompanied by my Angels, but I was also accompanied incognito by my dear Mother, Mary most holy, because without her, I would have died of fright. I will not say more, because I cannot say anything. All I said is nothing, and everything I've heard from the preachers in the Church is nothing. The human mind and soul does not have the ability to portray the horrors, pains and torments of hell. This journey to this horrid place was very good, made me make the decision of departing from everything and to do my Catholic duties with more perfection as I am so neglectful now. In hell there is a place for everyone, and there is still my place, if I perform my duties bad or commit even one mortal sin without Confession..


May everything be all to the glory of God, according to the will of God, for God, God! On another occasion I was brought back down to hell and this time it was the devil who showed me hell. “It seems that the tempter showed my soul hell being opened, and that in fact he had placed my soul in it, and that only a small push was needed to cast me inside forever. It seemed then that I heard screams and voices of lamentation from the damned. I saw infernal monsters, many serpents, many ferocious animals, and an infernal stench and extremely hot flames, which were so big that their height could not be measured. I could only compare it to the distance between heaven and earth. As far as the size of the place, one could not see the beginning or the end, it was so vast. You could hear many blasphemies and curses against God. How sad. What torment this caused my soul.” 


After that I was shown hell once more: “At that moment I was once again shown hell opened; and it seemed many souls descended there, they were so ugly and black that they struck terror in me. They all dropped down in a rush, one after the other, and once they had entered those chasms there was nothing to be seen but fire and flames.” This led me to offer myself as a victim of Divine Justice: “My Lord, I offer myself to stand here as a doorway, so that no one may enter down there and lose Thee.” Then I stretched out my arms and said, “As long as I stand in this doorway, no one shall enter. O souls, go back! My God, I ask nothing else of Thee but the salvation of sinners. 


Send me more pains, more torments, more crosses!” The Blessed Virgin Mary speaking to Veronica about her trips to hell told her, “When you were going around hell, you came across torments and tormentors at every step; but that time when you went by the seat of Lucifer, you were terrified at seeing so many souls were on the seat of Lucifer himself. This is in the center of hell and is seen by all the damned, by all the devils, and this sight causes all of them great suffering. I also let you know that, in the same way that the sight of God in Paradise constitutes Paradise itself; down there in hell, the sight of Lucifer is what constitutes hell.” The Blessed Virgin Mary also told her, “Many do not believe that hell exists, and I tell you yourself, who have been there, have understood nothing of what hell is.”

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 St Charbel:


He dressed like the poorest of the poor. He never wore a new habit but humbly sought to use the habits discarded by his confreres. His monastic habit was patched and threadbare. He jealously cared for the belongings of the monastery so as not to throw anything away, however insignificant it might be, not even the beanstalks. If he saw a grape seed under a vine stock, or a crumb on the path, he would pick them up and bring them to the kitchen. he was as poor as a beggar. Even a poor man would not have taken his food , his bed, and his clothing. He considered all the goods of this world to be dust.

His " mattress" was stuffed with oak leaves and tree bark, covered with a sort of mat woven of goat hair, all of it covered with an old piece of felt. A log rolled up in black cloth taken from a habit was his pillow. On this very rough bed, without mattress or blanket , he slept summer and winter.

He deliberately assumed a foolish , half -witted appearance to hide his intellectual prowess and spiritual gifts. Despite his outstanding intellect, he let nothing of his knowledge appear in his words or in his writings. His only wealth was his love for God. Apart from that, there was nothing remarkable about his existence in the world.

2023年10月24日 星期二

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 St Francesca Romana:

She saw Purgatory as being divided into three distinct parts:

In the upper region are the souls who suffer the punishment of damnation only, that is, they are deprived of the vision of God, or souls who are suffering some light and brief form of punishment, in order to make them worthy of the delight of the vision of God.

In the middle region, she saw the following written:  Purgatory , here suffer the souls who are guilty of less serious sins, or who must , let us add, liberate themselves from the punishment of mortal sins which have been forgiven and the faults themselves.

At the bottom, in the abyss, and near to hell, she saw the third region, Inferior Purgatory, full of a bright and penetrating fire, differing from that of hell, which is shadowy and dark.

She saw that the third region was divided into three different sections, where the punishments gradually increased, according to the responsibility of the souls and the degree of glory and happiness, which they must reach. The first section is reserved for secular people, the second for clerics who were not ordained, and the third for priests and bishops.

It must be pointed out, that this third section has a more infamous place within it, which is reserved for priests and nuns, who having had more means to become holy, and more guidance from God, are more responsible for their sins, and therefore have a greater need for expiation.


One the large beads:

Eternal Father, I offer you the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, for the soul of the priest who in purgatory suffers most and is most abandoned.

small beads:

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, 

Pray for the souls of priests and nuns.

Final prayer:

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Priest, who during your earthly life generously cared for every poor person who was afflicted and abandoned, I beseech you, look with favour on the soul of priest  who in Purgatory suffers most atrociously and who is forgotten and abandoned by everyone. Look at how this Holy Soul, tormented by the voracity of the flames and with an agonising voice pleads for pity and help.


2023年10月13日 星期五

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 From St. Anselm of Canterbury

Saint Anselm had for a long time prayed earnestly to the glorious Virgin Mary that she would reveal to him the mysteries of her divine Son's suffering and death. His prayers were accompanied with ardent weeping and prolonged fasting.

At last, the Blessed Virgin appeared before the saint. She spoke to him the following words, " My beloved Son suffered such terrible things that no one could possibly describe them without a profuse outpouring of tears! Nevertheless, because I have now been glorified with all the glory of heaven and rejoice in the Lord's resurrection, I am no longer able to weep; all my former pain and bitter sorrow has been transformed into exultant and inexpressible joy! Therefore I myself shall speak to you of my Son's passion, narrating its events in due order "


Anselm: Tell me, most beloved Lady, how did the events of the passion of your Son first begin?

Mary: When my Son and His disciples had arisen from the table at His last supper, the perfidious traitor Judas Iscariot went forth alone to see the high priests of the temple. He received from them the sum of thirty denarii of silver and, in exchange, promised to betray Christ into their hands.

Anslem: What type of denarii was it which he received from the priests?

Mary: They were the denarii of the Ishmaelites. In fact, they were the very same coins which the brothers of Joseph had received from the Ishmaelites when they sold him into slavery some two thousand years previously. Through succession and inheritance, these same thirty silver denarii had passed into the hands of the temple treasury. Each of these silver coins was ten times the size and weight of a usual denarius. Judas was so avaricious and filled with such a greed for earthly wealth that when he saw these coins,he immediately undertook to betray my Son to the temple priests. Indeed , Christ had forseen this act of betrayal and had often spoken of it, but even this did not serve to deter Judas from his wicked purpose.

Anselm: My Lady, were you present at that last supper with your Son and His disciples?

Mary: No, I was not present when my Son partook of that last supper at which he washed the feet of His disciples and spoke to them loving words of encouragement. This was the great and holy supper in which He gave to them His own Body and Blood through the sacramental signs of bread and wine. After this sacred meal, when Judas went to see the high priests to betray Jesus, Christ went on with His disciples to Mount Sion, passing through the gate by the Pool of Siloam . My Son then entered a garden. And while the disciples slept. He went forth to the foot of the Mount of Olives so that He was about a stone's throw from the sleeping disciples. And there, He poured out fervent prayers to His Heavenly Father, saying:

O Lord, hear my cry!

For thou art kind and full of compassion.

According to the abundance of thy mercy, look upon me now.

Turn not thy face from thy Child!

Look upon my soul, and free it from the tribulation and peril which surrounds it.

Rescue me, I implore thee, from the snares of my enemies;

Save me from the clutches of all those who seek to destroy my life!

Anselm: Most glorious Virgin, why was it that your Son---- who was both God and true God Himself-----needed to pray at that time?

Mary:Although He knew Himself to be the Son of God, still He needed to pray for three reasons: Firstly, He was of a delicate and refined constitution, as the child of an inviolate virgin, and born of royal blood. For it is a fact that those who are more noble suffer more deeply when they are harmed than those who are of coarse and common stock. Secondly, He experienced such an extremity of anguish that His sweat ran forth like great drops of blood. Thirdly, because , being God Himself, He knew perfectly in advance everything which He was to suffer and undergo, This included the contemptuous showering of Him with the spittle , the blasphemies and insults of the soldiers and the crowds , the bloody scourging, the cruel crucifixion, and all the innumerable other torments He was to endure.

For a common thief they know that he has been sentenced to death, but he does not fully know in advance the exact nature of the pains of death which he shall experience until he is actually hanging from the noose by his neck. But my Son, being true God as well as true Man, knew what the future held so perfectly that He felt everything in advance. Accordingly , He prayed, " Father, if it is possible let this chalice pass me by! But let not my will, but thine, be done." And when He had uttered this prayer, an angel appeared before Him and imbued Him with strength and courage, saying, " Be brave, my Lord, for now you are about to redeem the entire human race!"

2023年10月12日 星期四

Carlo acutis one of the highest throne in heaven



A short while after Carlo Acutis died, his Mother Antonia Salzano said that she dreamt of her son. 

In the dream, St. Francis of Assisi told her, “Your son is right now occupying one of the highest places in Heaven and after he is Beatified, there will be a whole new generation of Saints. Thanks to him.”

Later, she dreamt of her son, Carlo. 

Carlo said to her, “Mom, I am going to be Beatified and a short while later, I will be Canonised as a Saint.”

Blessed Carlo Acutis and St. Francis of Assisi, please pray for us all.

Source: carloacutis-en. org

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 From Sister Josefa menendez , a victim soul.

December 4th, after my Communion, He stood before me, as a Father awaiting His child: " Come and tell Me all you are afraid of ," and showing me His Heart: " When you feel unable to bear pain, come here! If you are afraid of being humbled, come here! If you are seized with apprehension, come closer still!"

I told Him that these graces frighten me, because I do not deserve them.

" I know you do not deserve them, but I only ask you to accept them."

So much compassionate kindness filled Josefa with amazement and desire. She would so like to correspond fully to it, and what she calls her ingratitude filled her soul with sorrow. Our Lady came to comfort her:

" Daughter ," she said, " you must not worry like this; you know all that Jesus is to you . Suffer in silence, but without this mental anguish. Love very much, but without introspection and without even knowing whether you love or not. If you fall, do not be afflicted above measure. we are both here to raise you up, and I will never forsake you ."

I explained to her that my biggest trouble was that I could not follow common life in everything, and that I was so afraid of drawing attention to myself.

" Do not forget, Josefa, that it is for souls. If the devil is so desperately determined to make you give it all up, it is becasue he sees in you, as it were a rivulet which in its course is going to carry many souls to Jesus."

I asked her to bless me and not to leave me all alone, because she can see how weak I am.

" Yes, I bless and love you ."

The next day, Dec 7th, that gracious Mother came again:

"If you want to be a comfort to Jesus, I will tell you what gives Him pleasure: you must offer everything you do for souls, without any personal interest whatever, and act solely for the glory of His Heart."

And she suggested:

" Till I tell you to stop, say everyday nine Aves, with your arms in the form of a cross. You must do this, humbling yourself, and recognizing your nothingness; at the same time adore the Divine Will, and leave your Jesus perfectly free to do exactly what He pleases with you. Confide in His Heart and in me who am your Mother."

During my thanksgiving, Jesus covered me with the flame of His Heart and said:

" I want you to leave Me to establish a current between your Heart and Mine, in such a way that you are in Me,  without living in any way for yourself."

He stayed for a few moments in silence, consuming my soul in the glow of that flame, then He added:

"I want you to help Me by your littleness and helplessness to snatch souls from the enemy who wants to devour them."

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception was approaching.As soon as it was daylight, as if in haste to comfort her, Our Blessed Lady appeared to Josefa:

" My child, never be afraid of suffering or of sacrifice; such are God's ways. If you want to come out victoriously from the assaults of the devil, pay great attention to two things: first, humble yourself, for you are nothing and deserve nothing... everything comes to you as a grace from God. Second, when you feel lonely and given up to temptation, when your soul is cold and you have no courage to go on, do not give up prayer. Pray humbly and confidently, and go at once to seek guidance from her whom God has given you for that purpose. Child, if you do this, you will make no mistakes. Let me bless you , for I am your Mother."

2023年10月11日 星期三

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 By Sister Josefa Menendez, a victim soul.

On Saturday, June 5 th , 1920, after a formidable attack of the devil, Josefa decided to go; she went into the chapel with her sisiters for the evening adoration; there, Jesus was waiting for her. Under the influence of the arch-fiend who dominated her :

" No, " she said, " I will not take the habit, I am going home."." I said it five times, but could not go on," she wrote later. " My Jesus how good thou art to me."

All of a sudden she was, as she naively expressed it, wrapped in a sweet slumber , from which she awoke in the wound of the Sacred Heart.

" I cannot explain what happened...Jesus...I want nothing more than to love Thee and to be faithful to my vocation."

In the radiance now illuminating her, she saw all the sins of the world, and offered her life to comfort the wounded Heart of our Lord. She was seized with a vehement desire of uniting herself to Him, and no sacrifice appeared too great that she might be faithful to her vocation. In the effulgence of the Godhead the night had faded away and desolation had given place to unfathomable bliss.

" It was God who did it," she continued in the notes she wrote under obedience." I am abashed at so much goodness; I want to love Him to folly...I have but two requests : love and gratitude to His Sacred Heart...More than ever I recognize my weakness , but also I shall now find strength and courage in Him...Never before have I rested in that Divine Wound...but now I know where to go in moments of tribulation : It is a place of sweetest repose and much love."

" I feel keenly that I have been resisting grace and have been unfaithful , but this has become a further motive of confidence and hope that Our Lord never fail me, even when I seem to be all alone. That was what made me so afraid before: to be alone, and unfaithful. But now I see that, even though I didn't know it, He was helping me. Well, I simply cannot express how much I want to love Him."

When Josefa came out of the chapel, still strongly under the influence of the divine contact, she was a totally changed person.

" And then, I don't know what it is," she added two days later, " but I believe He wants to tell me another secret, because during my prayer yesterday, Monday, June 7th , He made me re-enter that Divine Wound: Oh my Jesus , how great is Thou love for me...I shall never be able to respond to so much goodness. It seemed to me that I saw in that Divine Wound a tiny opening, and I wanted to know how to get in...but He made me understand that it will not be till later."

" Twelve days have passed," she wrote on June , 17th, " since the signal grace Jesus granted me. I have had immense consolation during that time,but especially I have been able to study all that this Sacred Heart was teaching me. He showed me clearly, that what pleases Him most is to do little acts out of obedience. I understood that I must direct all my energies to this, for that is how I shall learn to deny myself in everything, and however small the act is, it will still be pleasing to His Sacred Heart...Oh, I want to be burnt up by love. Oh, what a heart is that of my Jesus!"

2023年10月10日 星期二

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 St Faustina Diary:

Once, the Divine Mercy image was being exhibited over the altar during the Corpus Christi procession.... When the priest exposed the Blessed Sacrament , and the choir began to sing , the rays from the image pierced the Sacred Host and spread out all over the world. Then I heard these words: These rays of mercy will pass through you, just as they have passed through this Host, and they will go out through all the world. At these words, profound joy invaded my soul. (441)

One hour spent at the foot of the altar in the greatest dryness of spirit is dearer to me than a hundred years of worldly pleasure. (254)

Striving to be in constant union with Jesus, St Faustina visited the Blessed Sacrament throughout her day as much and often as possible, sometimes if only to quickly genuflect at the chapel's door as she passed by, smiling to Our Lord.

When St. Faustina knelt in front of the tabernacle, she prayed fervently, gazing radiantly at the altar. Jesus in the Eucharist was to her a living person with whom she wanted to talk at every moment. All the basic forms of prayer---- adoration, petition, intercession, and thanksgiving---- were part of those visits.

2023年10月1日 星期日

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 God the Father spoke to Catherine of Siena about blessed souls who, in their journey to God, had renounced their own will and desires even to the point of embracing their sufferings:

" As their will is not their own, but becomes one with Mine, they cannot desire anything other than what I desire. Though they desire to come and to be with Me, they are content to remain, if I desire them to remain, with their pain for the greater praise and glory of My name and the salvation of souls. In nothing are they in discord with My will. But they run their course with ecstatic desire, clothed in Christ crucified...In as much as they appear to be suffering, they are rejoicing , because the enduring of many tribulations is to them a relief in the desire which they have for death. For often the desire and the will to suffer pain mitigates the pain caused them by their desire to quit the body. These not only endure with patience as I told you they did, but they glory through My name in bearing much tribulation. In this they find pleasure . Not having it they suffer pain, fearing that I do not reward their well-doing , or that the sacrifice of their desires is not pleasing to Me. But when I permit them many tribulations, they rejoice, seeing themselves clothed with the suffering and shame of Christ crucified. If it were possible for them to have virtue without toil they would not want it."

 God the Father said to Catherine of Siena:

" The blessed are conformed so entirely to My will that they cannot desire except what I desire, because their free will is bound in the bond of love in such a way that, time failing them, and dying in a state of grace, they cannot sin anymore."

2023年9月30日 星期六

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 Jesus taught St Faustina a remarkable prayer, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. By that prayer, Faustina learned to unite her own little suffering to Jesus' " infinite sacrifice on the Cross and then to offer it to God the Father, " Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood... of Your dearly beloved Son..." Through the prayer, Faustina also learned to confidently and boldly ask for huge graces , " Have mercy on us and on the whole world." Even when her own sufferings were small, this combination of offering Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross and interceding with bold confidence made Faustina's prayers astonishingly powerful. How powerful? Consider Jesus' stunning words to her:" For your sake I will withhold the hand which punishes, for your sake I bless the earth."

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 God the father said to Saint Catherine of Siena:" Fully converted souls would rather delight in the cross with Christ , acquiring it with pain, than to obtain eternal life in any other way ."

Saint Catherine of Siena was instructed by God the Father about how blessed souls obtain mental peace by accepting God's will:" No one born passes this life without pain, bodily or mental. Bodily pain my servants bear, but their minds are free, that is , they do not feel the weariness of the pain, for their will is accorded with Mine, and it is the will that gives trouble to man...They bear everything with reverence, deeming themselves favored in having tribulation for my sake, and they desire nothing but what I desire...I permit these tribulations through love , and not through hatred .And they who love Me recognize this. Examining themselves,they see their sins, and understand by the light of faith that good must be rewarded and evil punished...The blessed deem themselves favored because I wish to chastise them in this life, and in this finite time. They drive away sin with contrition of heart... and their labors are rewarded with infinite good.

2023年9月29日 星期五

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 My Saviour grieves even now about my sins. My Saviour cannot rejoice as long as I remain in perversion. Why cannot He do this? Because He Himself is " an intercessor for our sins with the Father."...

How can He, who is an intercessor for my sins, drink the " wine" of joy, when I grieve Him with my sins? How can He ,who " approaches the altar" in order to atone for me a sinner, be joyful when the sadness of sin rises up to Him ceaselessly? " With you," He says, " I will drink in the Kingdom of my Father." As long as we do not act in such a way that we can mount up to the Kingdom , He cannot drink alone that wine which He promised to drink with us... Thus it is that He waits until we should be converted , in order that we may follow in his footsteps and He rejoice " with us " and " drink wine with us in the Kingdom of His Father."...We are the ones who delay His joy by our negligence toward our lives.

But the apostles too have not yet received their joy: they likewise are waiting for me to participate in their joy. So it is that the saints who depart from here do not immediately receive the full reward of their merits, but wait for us,even if we delay, even if we remain sluggish. They cannot know perfect joy as long as they grieve over our trangressions and weep for our sins.

You will have joy when you depart from this life if you are a saint. But your joy will be complete only when no member of your body is lacking to you. For you too will wait, just as you are awaited. But if you, who are a member, do not have perfect joy as long as a member is missing, how much more must our Lord and Saviour , who is the head and origin of this body, consider it an incomplete joy if He is still lacking certain of His members?...Thus He doesn't want to receive His perfect glory without you: that means, not without his people which is " His body " and " His members".

Love cannot , then, close itself against others or be without them so long as time, and with it suffering, is real. No one as formulated this insight more finely than St Therese of Lisieux with her idea of Heaven as the showering down of love towards all. But even in ordinary human terms we can say

" How could a mother be completely and unreservedly happy so long as one of her children is suffering?"

How could Jesus Christ, who loves us with an even greater love than that of a mother, be completely happy in heaven while the members of His body are 

suffering? It seems He can't be. He does suffer, he desires that we console Him.

Mary, whom we know is bodily in heaven, must also suffer with her Son on account of us. Mary revealed the deep sorrow her Immaculate Heart feels at seeing the suffering of her children on earth.

Jesus 's longing is not a sign of weakness. He is not emotionally needy or self-pitying as if He were some immature man. Christ chose to put into His Heart such a burning longing for our love and that He did so because He loves us.

Jesus is God. He does not need us.But he made himself vulnerable .He made Himself " need"our love. He allows Himself to be in need of mercy from us.

In Christ Jesus. God no longer calls us slaves but friends. Christ humbled Himself and accepted to feel a burning thirst need for our love, so we might enter into genuine friendship with Him. 

His need for our love comes from His own great love for us, a love that can't stand to see us perish, which is what will happen if we don't love Him.

The burning desire for us that He chose to have in His Heart is that we go to Him and love Him and thus receive His life and love and spread it to others.It is in this sense that we ought to understand Christ's need for our love.

Jesus 's need for our love is because He knows how deperately we need His love---- He knows that, for us, it is a matter of life and death.

2023年9月27日 星期三

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 Behold Jesus in the Monstrance . Look how much Jesus has loved you . He has created you, saved you from the pits of hell, and given you your faith, family, friends, and every good thing. 

" Behold this Heart which loves you so much." What a tremendous friend!

He whispers," Behold this Heart which loves so much yet is so little loved." See how painful He is. See how so few go to Him , love HIm, and want to be his true friends.

A person is simple if he has but one desire. Jesus is simple because he has only one desire, that is best described as a " thirst". He thirsts that all humanity be brought into his communion of love with the Father and the Holy Spirit. We have to come to love him. Jesus thirsts for our love. But because this one desire of the Lord is not satisfied, rejected, He becomes a man of sorrow. 

He says " Is there anyone who will console this Heart? Is there anyone who will be my friend?"

Yes, let's be his friends. Let's decide right now that we will console Him. We tell Him," Yes, I will console you, I will be your friend." " I choose to be your friend."

To speak of giving consolation to Jesus actually applies to giving consolation to the members of His body, for we are all members of the Mystical Body of Christ. We console Jesus when we alleviate the suffering of the poor, the sick, and the lonely, for they truly are Christ to us . 

" Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me."( Bible)

Jesus allowed Himself to be saddened by the vision of the sins of mankind, so did he also allow Himself to be consoled by all the human acts of compassionate consolation throughout history until the end of time.

Many artists have sought to communicate down through the ages by painting various saints from different time periods standing at the foot of the cross. Although separated by time, their great love for Christ did in fact console him in his agony, since our Lord forsaw all their acts of loving consolation.

The future consolers of our Lord were not personally present during the passion, the reparatory value of their foreknown actions did  in fact console Christ.

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 In 17 th century France, while Jansenism was scaring everyone away from the Eucharist and poisoning people's image of Jesus, there came a time when even Jesus --- capable of bearing seemingly infinite suffering----couldn't take it anymore. He was overwhelmed.

Jesus who had been so neglected by the ones for whom he gave up his life, like a forgotten mother, napped. 

From his sorrow at being so misunderstood and abandoned, Jesus looked for someone who would take pity on his aching Heart. He cast his gaze out on all of France, searching for a true friend on whom he could unburden some of his heartache and through whom he might finally convince people to believe in his tender love and mercy. Eventually, he found a little nun named Margaret Mary.He released an ocean of anguish as he disclosed his divine Heart. He said to her in a voice full of sadness and grief:

There it is , that Heart so deeply in love with men, it spared no means of proof----wearing itself out until it was utterly spent! This meets with scant appreciation from most of them; all I get back is ingratitude----witness their irreverence, their sacrileges, their coldness and contempt for me in this Sacrament of Love.

On another occasion, the Lord appeared in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament with a similar message. Margaret Mary describes the experience:

Jesus Christ, my kind Master, appeared to me. He was a blaze of glory---his five founds shining like five suns, flames issuing from all parts of his human form, especially from his divine breast which was like a furnace, and which he opened to disclose his utterly affectionate and loveable Heart, the living source of all those flames. It was at this moment that he revealed to me the indescrible wonders of his pure love for mankind: the extravagance to which he would been led for those who had nothing for him but ingratitude and indifference. " This hurts me more," He told me, " than everything I suffered in my passion. Even a little love from them in return--- and I should regard all that I have done for the, as next to nothing, and look for a way of doing still more. But no; all my eager efforts for their welfare meet with nothing but coldness and dislike. Do me kindness then--- you, at least---- of making up for all their ingratitude , as far as you can."

2023年9月25日 星期一

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 Have you ever had the experience where, when it came time to pray, you found yourself dragging your feet? Distractions in prayer are common, but have you ever gone through those times when you actually welcome distractions so as to avoid Jesus?

Those times when we are tempted to avoid the Lord seem to come up most often after we have sinned, especially after we have sinned more than usual. At such times, we may be ashamed and reluctant to go to Jesus. We may be afraid that He will be angry with us.We may be too full of pride to humble ourselves and look at what we have done. Thus when we are weighed down by sin, we would rather be distracted than face the Lord in prayer.Our own darkness can be a major obstacle that prevents us from going to the Lord. St Teresa reminds us that we should find the courage to go to the Lord when we feel the weight of our weaknesses, sinfulness and attachments.

It may happen that we do not go to the Lord because we have attachments and are afraid He will make us get rid of them. For instance, we may still be clinging to our coveted doughnuts. If the Lord sees us doing this, and he says," Come to me." One might reply," Lord, I am so attached to this or that ."

Jesus simply wants us to go to him.The attitude of going to the Lord as we are is a suprisingly effective way to console Jesus and progress in holiness.

Go to Jesus as you are. Open your heart to Him as it is.And know that Jesus loves sincerity , that He loves it when we are completely open with Him. The more open we are with Him, the more deeply He can heal us. This especially applies to his being able to heal us of our attachments. 

Remember that He knows we are little. He knows we are not big enough to climb the rough stairway of perfection. 

The steps He will ask us to take toward holiness will be steps that are appropriate to little soul---- " little steps". Such little steps have brought us much farther and higher than we ever expected to climb. 

One of the ways the Lord makes our progress relatively easy is by beginning to detach our hearts from something well before he asks it of us. One day, there is something we thought we could never live without, something that , on a bad day, we would be terrified even to mention to Him, because we would be afraid He would tell us to let go of it. Then, the next day, the day on which he asks us to give it over to Him, we find that we hardly want it anymore. This is one of God's great mercies to little souls who trust Him. He gently and impercetively changes their desires . In case we have not already given Him this degree of power over our lives, let us give it to Him now:

Jesus, behold, I give you my heart. If my desires are not in harmony with yours, then please change them according to your wisdom and love. Dear Jesus, you know that by myself, I am too weak to change my desires, but you can do it. Jesus, I trust you to do it. Jesus , I thank you in advance for doing it.

So if it happens that there is some deep attachment we really must get rid of now, we begin to hear the Lord beckoning," Come to me"

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 Living our principle and foundation begins when we focus on the Heart of Jesus and hear him say to us:" Behold this Heart which loves so much yet is so little loved. Is there anyone who will console me?" Our automatic response is ," I will console you, Jesus." Right , so we tell Jesus we want to console him, and then he says to us," Then that means you will perform acts of reparation."

For many of us, the word " reparation" is like a big, red stop sign that puts an end to our drawing close to the Lord's Heart. Some of us would say,"Lord, I do want to help you and be your friend and all, but reparation sounds like there's a lot of suffering and sacrifices involved and, remember I am one of the little ones." Thus, we come to the obstacle to living our principle and foundation: fear of suffering. 

To get past this obstacle, we need to know , Jesus knows that we are little. He knows we easily get scared. Now , if we are willing, he would like to begin teaching us to trust him. We should start the lesson in the Lord's " school of trust.".

Let us renew our decision to be his friends. There is no reason to be afraid. Reflect on Jesus's question to us: haven't I shown you how gentle I am with you? 

When we have not fled from the Lord's love, when we have given him a chance to show it, haven't we always found his embrace to be gentle?

" Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Fear of suffering tends to come up a lot for those strive to console Jesus.

Obstacle that prevent us from going to the Lord, namely, our weakness, sinfulness and attachments.

People often think they can escape suffering. They cannot instead. Suffering finds us all, no matter how much we strive to avoid it.

The best way to deal with suffering is to accept it , unite it to Christ in his suffering, and begin to find its hidden treasure.

By accepting suffering, I don't mean we should be completely passive such that we do not act to avoid the suffering such as illness, poverty , and the like.

There are two different Christian approaches to suffering. The first approach tends to be very active. It involves actively choosing lots of penances, mortifications, and sacrifices. Such an approach has helped produce a number of saint. They use the suffering to save souls in Purgatory and help relieve their pains ,and to save dying souls from hell.The saints use these sufferings as a means to gain merits.

A more passive approach to suffering is " letting Jesus do it". Jesus chooses for us the suffering that he nows will form us into saints( for he knows best) and we simply accept what he sends. You need not to worry the cross He sends you. Jesus knows what we can take and what we need. 

The main thing Jesus wants from us is not that we suffer but simply that he be with us in his suffering. This is what Jesus wants to tell us:" All I want is for you to be my friend, All I want is for you not to be afraid of me and to come to me." When we simply follow the Lord, it is enough. The Lord does not necessarily want from us great suffering but great love. Do we see the tremendous value there is to simply being with the Lord?

Amazingly , even our littlest sufferings take on great value when we UNITE THEM TO JESUS'S PASSION. 

Sometimes we may not be as bold in our prayers as we could be simply because we know that souls are bought only at the price of suffering.On our own we can merit nothing. If, however, with confident love, we unite our own little sufferings to Jesus 's passion, they take on infinite merit. Let's boldly ask for conversions, graces, and all that is truly good, knowing that such prayer brings great delight to the Lord.

We should have confidence in God that the sufferings sent by God must not go beyond our ability and strength. We should first trust in God like what St. Faustina taught us," Divine mercy of Jesus I trust in you."

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 Pardon crucifix 

Whoever carries the pardon crucifix will have the privilege to gain 300 day's indulgence, daily.

In kissing it devotedly, one gains each time 100 day's indulgence

He who pronounces before this crucifix one of the two following invocations gains each time an indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines: Our Father Who art in heaven, forgive us our offences as we forgive those who have offended us.—I beg the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Whoever, in danger of death, receives the sacraments of the Church, or contrite of Heart if it is impossible to receive them, shall kiss this crucifix and ask pardon of God for his sins and forgives whoever has offended him, gains a plenary indulgence.

2023年9月20日 星期三

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 When you have the intention to please God in all your actions as the happiest and best thing in the world, you will find yourself disliking everything that is vain and inappropriate in common life, whether of business or pleasure. You will be as fearful of living in any foolish way,either of spending your time or your money, as you are now fearful of not attending church or not saying prayers.A Christian businessman will no longer drink or swear or laugh at dirty jokes simply because others do . A Christian secretary or athlete will no longer dress immodestly simply because others do. If it is your goal to please God in everything, you will be different from most professing Christians, and certainly different from the world.

If a clergyman intends to please God in everything, he will not love the music and entertainment of the world that distracts his heart from Jesus Christ. Instead, he will set an example for the congregation by his holy living.

Let a worker have the intention to please God in all things,and it will make him a saint in his shop. His everyday business will be a course of wise and reasonable actions, made holy to God by being done in obedience to His will and pleasure. He will buy and sell and labor and travel because by so doing he can do some good to himself and others. But then, as nothing can please God but what is wise and reasonable and holy, so he will neither buy or sell nor labor in any other manner or to any other goal except that which may be shown to be wise and reasonable and holy.

He will not therefore consider what skills or methods or machines will soonest make him richer and greater than others or allow him to most quickly retire to a life of ease and pleasure, but he will consider what skills and methods and machines can make worldly business most acceptable to God and make his work a life of holiness,devotion, and piety. This will be the intent and spirit of every worker. He cannot stop short of these degrees of piety whenever it is his intention to please God in all his actions as the best and happiest thing in the world. He should not live in idleness and indulgence, in excessive sports , entertainment and pleasures, in drunkenness, in wasteful  expenses and high living, because these things cannot be turned into means of piety and holiness or made part of a wise and godly life.He will not waste his time and resources in vain sports and theater and expensive hobbies, because an inspired apostle has said, For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.

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 A great reason for devoting all our belongings to appropriate use is because they are capable of being used for most excellent purpose and can be a great means of doing good. If we waste it , we do not just waste what appears to be a little bit, but we waste that which might be made as eyes to the blind , as a husband to the widow, and as a father to the orphan. We waste that which not only enables us to minister worldly comforts to those who are in distress, but that which might purchase for ourselves everlasting treasures in heaven. What we spend on our impulses and worldliness is gone forever, but that which we spend to help others lasts forever. Consider how much money Christians spend on worldly entertainment such as sports , movies and concerts. Consider how much money Christians waste on clothing , cars , and much more. If Christians were to spend that money in buying evangelistic books for the unsaved or in helping the poor, think how much eternal good could be done for others that we now waste on our own pleasures.

If there is nothing so glorious as doing good, if in this we imitate Christ, then nothing can be so glorious in the use of our money as to use it all in works of love and goodness, making ourselves friends and fathers and benefactors to all our fellow human beings , imitating the divine love and turning all our power into acts of generosity , care, and kindness to those who are in need of it.     

2023年9月13日 星期三

contemplation part 9

 Contemplation and passive prayer part 9:

Misunderstandings, detractions, calumny, insult and abuse of every kind, and in a very intense form, are among the trials the contemplative soul may experience. These are not, of course, due to the direct action of God, but God in His providence permits them in order that she may endure suffering that in a special manner will increase her faith in the wondrous Providence of God and at the same time intensify her love for her neighbour . That the trials may produce these effects, the soul must look beyond the human agency in these occurrences and be persuaded that the permission of God has the very definite purpose of advancing the soul. Had God not permitted wicked men to crucify His Son, the world would not have been redeemed , so God permits us to suffer severely at the hands of others. Besides, unlike the Son of God, we have to satisfy for our own sins and be purified by these very sufferings. These trials are very suitable for the purpose as we have insulted God by our sins and we are asked to make reparation by enduring insults in union with the contumely Christ suffered for our sakes. For carrying out the Gospel precepts on the forgiveness of injury and on charity in general we have the truly noble example of St. Teresa of Jesus. When told of a serious calumny uttered against her, she would laugh and remark that were it not for the grace of God she would have done worse. She regretted if God were offended, but as for herself she only saw in insult an occasion of merit, and begged God to forgive the offender. We must bear similar trials in th same spirit if we desire to have fulfilled in us the designs of God on our souls. Thus we are firmly and perfectly established in the great virtue of fraternal charity which is the best guarantee of our possessing the love of God, as Our Lord and His Apostles assures us. 

It is not merely against the theological virtues that the soul can be tempted but against any of the moral virtues. Thus St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi , a most innocent and pure soul, suffered for five years from the most diabolical attacks on her purity. But she came forth from the attack unspotted with a greatly enhanced spirit of purity, and by her sufferings made reparation for the many sins committed against this holy virtue, This is God's intention in all the trials to which He permits contemplative souls to be subjected.


To be continued....

contemplation part 8

 Contemplation and passive prayer part 8 :

St Teresa of the Child Jesus had very fierce attacks made on her belief in heaven, and she speaks of the thick wall of darkness that seemed to separate her from God. God permits the evil spirit thus to attack souls so that while purifiying them He at the same time gains great victories in weak mortals over the proud spirits of darkness. St Teresa of the child Jesus , moreover , stated that her interior sufferings were so intense that no one in this life could imagine their intensity. Thus was she made a victim of love.

A very usual form of suffering is a keen sense of unworthiness in God's sight.The soul feels, as it were, all sin and rejected. The reason she feels so sinful is that she is obtaining a deep appreciation of the all- Holiness and Majesty of God and is , as it were, unable to appear in His sight.Yet that very appreciation draws her to an intense love of God, and thus drawn between these two feelings the soul suffers a veritable martyrdom . Moreover, in spite of all her spiritual director may say or do to assure her that all is well with her, she can never be fully persuaded of this, or if she is satisfied for a time, a deeper darkness often succeeds, till at length, in God's good time, the soul is prepared to bask in the sunshine of a more perfect realization of the intensity of God's love for her and her union with Him. St Francis de Sales at one time experienced this trial of dereliction to such an extent that he earnestly begged that he would be allowed to love God even in hell, for which he felt himself destined . But from these trials which, as it were, lead to the brink of despair, the contemplative soul emerges purified and fixed in an unshakeable confidence in the mercy and goodness of God.

Similar to this trial is that of extreme aridity or dryness in which the soul appears utterly incapable of prayer or of doing anything for God. Sometimes persons can pray and keep recollected during the course of the day, but when they attempt formal prayer, every effort they make appears absolutely vain. The explanation is that God desires to keep these souls in continuous union with Himself and so they can be attentive to the Presence of God while at their work, but when they come to formal prayer God takes the work completely into His own hands and unites them intimately to Himself, while their own faculties appear completely inert. The soul may suffer much at this apparent idleness, but must be patient and perfectly submissive to God's ways. This apparent absence of God increases very much their longing for Him. This trial of aridity has already been explained , but the sufferng it causes in the passive Dark night of the Spirit is of far greater intensity because the soul has already felt the touch of God. The soul must be carefully instructed, and no matter how long the trial may last, she must be encouraged to perserverance with the assurance that God will surely bring her to close union with Himself ......

To be continued...

2023年9月9日 星期六

Contemplation part 7

 Contemplation and passive prayer ( part 7):

Though all the value of our sufferings is derived from the merits of Christ,yet in his condescension He awaits our cooperation in such a way that we also merit our own salvation and that of others. Christ suffers again in us, His members. Thus we " fill up those things   that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ". It is important too to realize that we deal with all suffering without any reservation ,even such as may come to us by human agency or may be the result of our own follies. To their own detriment , through want of knowledge or lack of faith, many make such reservations, forgetting that " to them that love God, all things work together unto good" even sin, as Augustine assures us.

At any stage of the spiritual life suffering borne in this spirit will have a very beneficial effect, and God does send or permit it in order that the soul may be freed from imperfections and attachments. But in a special way God permits a soul to be afflicted, and very grievously to accomplish the active purification .Since the soul finds herself powerless to perform this purification in a perfect degree, God intervenes and by a process of suffering, often of the severest kind, only be realized by those who experience them. These sufferings are known as Passive purgation or purification . Those who desire a deep knowlege of the subject must read and re-read very carefully the Dark Night of the Soul by St . John of the Cross.

Certain observations and references to examples may be made here. The precise nature, the intensity and the duration of these sufferings depend on the state of the soul and the designs of God on it. They are usually of long duration but are intermittent, and God thus keeps the soul from being crushed. They are called by St. John a Purgatory of Love, and he makes no secret that the sufferings are comparable to those of the Purgatory of Fire and gives the consoling assurance that those who suffer this Purgatory of Love ecape the other.


To be continued....

Contemplation part 6

 Contemplation and passive prayer ( part 6):

Passive purgation or purification, or the Passive dark night of the spirit:

It is important for every religious soul, indeed for every Christian , to understand well what attitude should be held with regard to suffering. It is but a natural feeling to shrink from it, and how very many Catholic there are who are puzzled at the attitude of the saints in regard to suffering. But this is the correct attitude and it is well to undertand it. We read in the Acts of the Apostles that " They went from the presence of the council rejoicing , that they were accounted worthy to suffer reproach for the name of Jesus." And St. Paul exclaimed :" I exceedingly abound with joy in all our tribulation." We have similar expressions used by the saints." To die or to suffer" was the desire of St. Teresa of Jesus. " To suffer and to be despised for Christ", that of St. John of the Cross. " To suffer, not to die," that of St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi. St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, in a sublime outburst of love, desired the sufferings of all martyrs. The saints were flesh and blood like ourselves and naturally recoiled from suffering just as we do. But supernaturally enlightened, they wished to follow in the footsteps of Christ. St Paul assures us that we must suffer with Christ if we would be glorified with Him and at the same time consoles us that these sufferings are as nothing compared to the glory we are to receive.He likewise tells us that we are to be made conformable to the image of the Son of God. Moreover, to help ourselves further in this very difficult matter we must recall once again the assurance of the same Apostle that we will never be tempted beyond what we are able to bear.

Suffering has quite opposite effects according to the spirit with which it is taken. It merely sours the disposition of those who will not recognize the purpose of God in permitting it. It disturbs their peace, makes them irritable and gloomy and ever ready to put the worst construction on things and make their outlook very pessimistic. Just otherwise with the soul which humbles itself under the Hand of God. Its disposition is chastened and sweetened , it preserves undisturbed peace, its outlook is always cheerful and its endurance of suffering enables it to advance rapidly in virtue.Now this is precisely God's intention in permitting us to suffer. Religious souls will, therefore, bear sufferings not merely with resignation but with perfect conformity to God's Holy Will, recognizing that it is a privilege and an honour to be thus associated with the sufferings of Christ, co-operating with Him in working out our own purification and the salvation of souls....

To be continued. 

Contemplation part 5

 Contemplation and passive prayer ( part 5):

From mystic prayer proper must be carefully distinguished certain experiences which though taking place in mystic souls, are not required for mystic union, such as revelations, certain locutions, visions and ecstasies ( i.e, levitations) .Though when properly used these experiences can profit the person who receives them, they are given rather for the benefit of others. St. Teresa of Jesus had many experiences of this kind, but she besought Our Lord to take them from her. At one time of her life they ceased and in her familaritiy with Our Lord she asked Him the reason. He replied that at the time He manifested Himself thus no one was inclined to give her credence, but now that she was in general favour there was no longer any reason for these signs. There is a singular absence of such phenomenon in the life of St . Teresa of the Child Jesus, though she reached the deepest Mystic union. It is quite clear consequently that experiences of this kind are not necessary for the greatest holiness. Moreover , there are many spiritual dangers attached to them and so they should not be desired. Those who have such experiences should study very closely what St . John of the Cross remarks about them in the Ascent of Mount Carmel and put it in practice under the guidance of an experienced director, if such can be had. The soul must be very detached from them.

The desire for mystic union:

It is quite otherwise with the desire for mystic prayer and union, since the direct effect is to unite the soul to God. It is true that absolutely speaking, the soul can by ordinary grace and great generosity reach perfection by the active purification, of which we have already written. But the weakness of human nature is such that very few seem to reach perfection merely by this means. All the canonized saints appear to have been favoured with mystic prayer. For those who have any right notion of the meaning of this desire there is no longer of self- complacency. They will soon understand that to advance far in this union a very severe process of passive purification or purgation must take place. There will be no danger of self- complacency for anyone who read the opening chapters of the Dark Night of the Soul by St .John of the Cross. The saint there explains the defects which passive purification helps to eliminate , and even persons of advanced holiness will be compelled to recognize in themselves very many of these defects. Moreover, the soul admitted to passive union becomes so conscious that the work being done is accomplished by God alone that she acknowledges with Mary that " He that is mighty hath done great things to me ". The soul thus favoured advances above all in true humility, and if she does not, her prayer cannot be mystic prayer at all. From these considerations there does not appear much sense in a director trying to hide the truth from a person who is clearly favoured with mystic union. The sufferings there endured develop in the soul the greatest humility as well as all other virtues.....

to be continued......

Contemplation part 4

 Contemplation and passive prayer ( part 4):

Besides the trial of aridity which , as we have said , is sometimes very severe in this stage of prayer, other trials , crosses or sufferings have to be endured. Indeed it is possible that the soul may experience even now some of the trials of the Passive Dark Night of the Spirit , though usually they are not so severe. It is important to realize that all these trial are sent or permitted for our purification . A long combat with distractions is sometimes one of the severest of these trials. Moreover for our consolation and as a help to our perseverance we must ever bear in mind the assurance of St. Paul that we are never tested beyond what we are able to bear. We are so weak that it is necessary to keep these truths ever fresh in our minds. Yet in the Passive Dark Night of the Senses so many souls get uneasy and require confirmation from a competent judge that they are on the right track and also need to be encouraged to bear their trials with patience and fortitude that in most cases the help of a sympathetic and experienced director is almost indispensable.Where such a director cannot be obtained ( St. John of the Cross laments there are so few) we can trust that God will give special light and help to a soul sincerely desirous of being faithful. But as God respects the social nature of man, the service of a spiritual director should be utilized where available. The spiritual director has, moreover, to judge the value of the prayer. While encourging he has to be firm and see if the soul is developing delicacy of conscience in practising all the virtues. This will always be the acid test in deciding if the soul is really being led by the Spirit of God. 

To answer this quesion it is necessary to distinguish between mystic prayer and certain extraordinary experiences of persons favoured with passive prayer. Those who are thus favoured and who have any difficulties concerning their prayer must consult an experienced director. St John of the Cross uses the very striking expression that in mystic prayer " the substance of God is joined to the substance of the soul." How this is to be understood is known only by those who have experience. Mystic souls understand the analogies used by the saints, and the analogy of touch appears most satisfactory to express the deep union that takes place. There are four principal stages with various subdivisions. The first stage is the Prayer of Quiet when the soul is first introduced to this mystic union and the activity of the intellect and will is suspended, but though the touch of God is felt, it is transient. When the union becomes more habitual and the activity of all the interior faculties is suspended , it is known as the prayer of Union. A further stage is Ecstatic Union when the union becomes so intense as to suspend the activity of the exterior senses. The final stage is Spiritual Marriage when the union is made as complete as it can be made in this mortal life...

To be continued...

Contemplation part 3

 Contemplation and passive prayer ( part 3):

It would appear that sometimes this obscure contemplation is accompanied by a certain sweetness, but frequently, perhaps ordinarily, in spite of a sense of peace and interior joy there is dryness. Naturally if this obscure contemplation is the state of prayer for a considerable time, and it often extends over many years, this dryness, which is sometimes very extreme, is difficult to bear. The soul is thus severely tested in regard to her fidelity and generosity towards God. Unfortunately only too many have not the courage to persevere, and instead of allowing the action of God in this obscure contemplation to wean their hearts from all created things in order to attain the deepest union with God, they refuse to submit and fall back into very mediocre ways, if nothing worse happens.St . John of the Cross deeply deplores the loss sustained by such souls who, through lack of patience, fail to reach the great union God had intended for them.

The duration of this obscure contemplation depends on two elements, the special design of God on the soul and the degree of generosity of the soul itself. If the soul is very generous , she may pass quickly from obscure contemplation and be led to mystic prayer. On the other hand when God intends to raise a soul very high, He may deepen her humility and the other virtues necessary for mystic union by retaining her longer in this dark night of aridity. God, however, being the absolute Master of His own gifts, appears , in some cases, to hasten in an extraordinary way of special purification the admission of the soul to deep mystic prayer.But again St . John of the Cross expresses great regret that so many, through want of sufficient generosity, are held so long in this stage of obscure contemplation, and only attain to mystic union very late, and even then with the work not at all so well accomplished.....

To continued...

Contemplation part 2

 Contemplation and passive prayer 

( Part 2):

St . John of the Cross lays down three signs by which an interior person may know when to leave aside active prayer ( which he calls meditation) and follow the call of God to passive prayer.

1. When a state of complete aridity of mind and heart during mental prayer is experienced.

2. This total aridity must not occur except at the time of prayer 

3. The soul is conscious of being filled with a sense of God's presence, a strong desire to think of Him and a wish to be united to Him and rest in Him.

Especially when the third sign is present, the soul is to be careful not to disturb itself and consider that it is wasting time even though its loving attention to God appears very vague. On the other hand whenever the soul has not this obscure contemplation and finds she can return to any of the stages of active prayer, she must not hesitate to do so . She must, however, turn to whatever suits her disposition best and freely leave aside any practice that she finds no longer of advantage. 

When the soul has reached this stage of obscure contemplation, it is important that she should have the guidance of an experienced spiritual director. For the soul might easily be led to believe that in practising this obscure contemplation she is really idle. St . John of the Cross has much to say in The Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Living Flame of Love against inexperienced and ignorant spiritual directors who refuse to allow souls under their guidance to advance beyond meditation.

It is true that in this obscure contemplation the sense and the imagination are deprived of the forms and the images which are so necessary for their activity ( e.g prayer ). Even such activity of the intellect and the will as is dependent on the use of these forms and images is suspended. There is then, as it were, an uneasiness on the part of the powers of the soul in being deprived of their activity. This privation is called the Passive Dark Night of the Senses. It is true that even in this prayer distractions are possible and may be frequent .

At this stage we can realize the great necessity there is for detachment and faith, the two virtues on which St. John of the Cross is so insistent for souls called to passive prayer. In active purification( the Active Dark Night ), we stated we must be detached from all that is not God. 

Many feel it hard to part with the sublime spiritual supernatural thoughts of God which in the past have stirred up such intense emotions of love and given strength for great zeal in the service of God. Grand and sublime as these thoughts and emotions may be, they must be willingly left aside when God so desires, for the obscure contemplation which He substitues gives a much truer knowlege of Him and leads to a deeper union with Him, though all sensible sweetness and fervour disappear. The soul will thus cling to God in naked faith, unassisted by any reflections of the reason. The soul must do so with unbounded confidence , as this faith must be the medium of her union with God....

To be continued...

Contemplation part 1

 Contemplation and passive prayer

( Part 1):

The work to be done may appear to be formidable, but it will not be so for the generous soul. Grace is given in abundance to all who answer the call to perfection. St Paul assures us that we are not tempted beyond what we are able to bear. ( 1 Cor . 10:13) . We have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments from which , as well as in many other ways, we can obtain abundant help and strength. We shall see that God Himself usually takes part in a special way in the work and hastens and completes it by passive purgations.

In active prayer we are conscious of our own efforts, in passive prayer we feel we are but yielding to an influence acting on us. This yielding is indeed an act of our will, but it is the only act of ours of which we are conscious in passive prayer. St John of the Cross shows that without passive purifications perfection is not attained , it would follow that passive union is necessary for perfection. There is a good deal of speculation as to the number of souls enjoying mystic graces. The number may be relatively small, yet they are to be found in every walk of life and often in the most unexpected circumstances. One point seems certain from the doctrine of St. John of the Cross, that there would be far more souls endowed with these graces if the ignorance of many could be dispelled who do not undertand the leading of God, and if a number of those who do understand could have the courage to submit to the action of God on their souls. There are two great mistakes commonly made in regard to passive contemplation. The first is that this contemplation is such an extraordinary state that it can only be practised by a very few placed in particularly favourable circumstances . 

But contemplation, and in the highest degree, is attained by many who have to engage in the ordinary routine of daily life and who pass quite undistinguished from other people except that their virtues have greater influence on them. The second mistake is that contemplation is a state where those favoured with it are rapt in almost continuous ecstasies or experienc other marvels.  In the meantime  we give a quotation :" There is nothing more sublime beautiful or grander than passive prayer in theory. But in practice there is nothing more humiliating , more crucifying ."

To be continued .....

2023年9月2日 星期六

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" I found myself in the presence of my heavenly Mother, with my guardian angel on her right. He commanded me to make an act of contrition, and when I had done so my Mom said to me: 

'Daughter, in the name of Jesus I forgive you all your sins,' and added, 'Jesus, my Son, loves you very much, and wishes to give you a grace. Would you know how to become worthy of it?'

In my misery I knew not what to answer. Then She continued: 

'I will be a mother to you; will you show yourself a true daughter?' And after saying this She opened her mantle and covered me with it. 

At that instant Jesus appeared with all His wounds open; but blood no longer issued from those wounds, but flames of fire.

In an instant those flames came and touched my hands, feet and heart. I felt I was dying and should have fallen had not my Mom held me up, I remaining all the while covered with her mantle, and thus I remained for several hours. 

Afterwards my Mom kissed me on the forehead, then everything vanished and I found myself kneeling on the ground, but still feeling intense pain in my hands, feet and heart.

 I got up to go to bed and saw blood flowing from those places where I felt the pain. I covered them up as best I could and then, with the help of my guardian angel, got into bed." 

[From the "Autobiography of St Gemma Galgani"]


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