2023年11月8日 星期三

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Lies of the devil we hear daily,  that can make our soul perish in Hell for eternity. 

1 - It's not a sin. Don't worry about it. 

2 - Jesus is relationship not religion, religion does not save.

3 - There are no absolute truths.

4 - The devil doesn't exist.

5 - We are all children of God. Every one will be saved. 

6 - All religions lead to God.

7 - Why follow the truth revealed?, If you can have a ′′ god ′′ at your convenience.

8 - Dogmas tie us to ignorance.

9 - Why confess to a man who can be more of a sinner than you. 

10 - All priests are rapists and they're there for the money.

11 - It's my body, my choice. I decide.

12 - Why baptize a baby?, wait until he grows up and ask him if he wants to be a Christian.

13 - God doesn't care about you. 

14.- Hell is an invention to scare you to obey and not question. 

15 - Purgatory is an invention of the Church to bring money to the faithful.

16 - Don't go to Mass, it's a pure waste of time. 

17 - It's your life and no one can tell you what to do. 

18 - Why do you confess if you will sin again?.

19 - Marry?, For what?, love is without commitment.

20 - Look at you, you've sinned a lot, God will never forgive you.

21 - You're going to sin again so why bother repenting?

Let us make the most of today's life and turn back to God.




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