2023年7月19日 星期三

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 "If one member suffer anything, all the members suffer with it; or if one member glory, all the members rejoice with it," says the Apostle. For this reason, since we are one body, we should rejoice with the saints in Heaven, and sympathize with the suffering in Purgatory. But let us also be mindful that because of the communion of saints we are sharers of all merits stored up in the treasury of the Church , as it is called. Unbounded are the graces merited for us by Christ, innumerable those merited by the Queen of Saints and the other saints. It is from this treasury that the Church draws when it offers indulgences. Let us, therefore draw from this treasury as much as we please . But we should endeavour too , as much as possible, always to increase this spiritual treasury by our zeal for virtue and sanctity , bearing humbly whatever God sends us , following the example of St. Paul , who says," Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in my flesh, for His body, which is the Church.".

Therefore, Let us not, I beseech you , be dead members in the body of Christ and in so holy a company; but let us make every effort to live, and to live perfectly the life which Christ has procured for us by His death. In striving after sanctity we shall be a source of profit to all the faithful and a joy to all the Saints. Let nothing sordid enter into our soul, lest we bring disgrace to the Church, for which Christ offered himself that it might be holy and without blemish.





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