⭐ ⭐💗12 Promises of THE SACRED HEAD, given to Teresa Helena Higginson of England, by Our Lord Jesus Christ, to be specially adored as The Seat of Divine Wisdom. (1880 - 1883) 💗⭐⭐
💥 Our Lord told her that "the sufferings of His body are but like a drop in the ocean compared with what His Soul endured".
Imprimatur: Edm. Can. Surmont, V.G.: England, September 2, 1926
🌷"Anyone who shall assist in furthering this Devotion shall be blessed a 1,000 fold; but woe to him that shall reject or go against My wish in this respect, for they shall be scattered in my wrath and shall know their place no more." (June 2, 1880)
🌷Our Lord "would crown and clothe with a peculiar glory all those who further this devotion" to the Sacred Head. "He would clothe with glory before angels and men in the courts of heaven those who clothed Him in glory on earth and would crown them in everlasting bliss." (Sept. 10, 1880)
🌷"We render a great homage to the ever Blessed Trinity by adoring our dear blessed Lord's Sacred Head as the 'Seat of divine wisdom'." (Annunciation 1881)
🌷Our Lord would bless "all who practice or further this devotion in any way." (July 16, 1881)
🌷"Untold blessings are promised to those who shall try to furher our Lord's wishes in spreading the Devotion." (Juni 2, 1880)
🌷"The more we practice devotion to the Sacred Head the more we must see of the working of the Holy Spirit of God in the human soul, and the better we will know and love the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost." (Juni 2, 1880)
🌷The "devotion and love to His Sacred Heart should be bestowed a hundred fold upon those who practice devotion to the Seat of divine Wisdom." (May, 1883)
🌷"Our blessed Lord said that all that He had promised to those who should worthily love and honor His Sacred Head should be poured out upon those who honoured it themselves or were the means of others doing so. Oh Sacred Head, may Thy Wisdom ever guide us, and the sacred tongue ever bless us and plead for mercy and pardon, and may we never hear the curse pronounced against those who shall hinder or despise this Devotion." (June 2, 1880)
🌷"To them that honor Me I will give of my might and I will be their God and they shall be My children and I will place my sign upon their foreheads and My seal upon their lips." (June 2, 1880)
🌷He gave me to understand that this wisdom and Light was the seal that marked the number of His elect and they shall see His Face and His Name shall be on their foreheads. (May 23, 1880)
🌷Our Lord gave her to understand that St. John referred to His Sacred Head of the Seat of Divine Wisdom "in the last two Chapters of Revelations and with this mark were sealed the numbers of His elect." (May 23, 1880)
🌷Our Lord shows her the great blessings and graces he has in store for all who shall further His divine Will to this end. (May 9, 1880)
Information given by Our Lord 1880 - 1883)
💕"I wish the first Friday after the feast of my Sacred Heart to be set apart as a festive day in honour of my Sacred Head as the Seat of Divine Wisdom, and that public adoration be offered to Me for all the outrages and sins which are continually being committed against Me." "It should be dedicated as a festive day in its honor, and special reparation and atonement be then offered to Him." (Juni 2, 1880)
💕"The Sacred Head was in a special manner the dwelling place of the Holy Ghost." Our Lord "wished the great mystery of the Incarnation to be made very clear (or taught very carefully) to the children." (Whitsuntide 1881)
💕Our Lord impressed upon her - His Soul is not known, His Soul is not loved, and tells me not, by actual words." (Juni 1883)
💕"Our Blessed Lord wishes His Sacred Head to receive special adoration." (Aug. 17, 1882)
💕"Those who shall try by words or means to hinder or reject it, shall be as glass that is cast down, or as an egg that is thrown to the wall, that is that they shall be shattered and become as naught, and shall be dried up and wither as grass on the housetop." (April 9, 1880)
💕"Even the devotion to the Sacred Heart is incomplete without this devotion to His Sacred Head. (Juni 2, 1880)
💕"He would wish now to be crowned and acknowledged as the Wisdom of the Father, the true King of Kings." (Juni 15, 1880)
💕"This morning at holy Mass when the Sacred Host was raised at the elevation, I saw as it were the whole court of heaven in prostrate adoration." (May 27, 1880)
💕Our dear Blessed Lord wishes His Sacred Head to be honored as the "Shrine of the powers of His holy Soul'. (Nov. 11, 1880)
💕"Around His Sacred Head shone a light of indescribable brilliancy and beauty: as it were a sun in which sparkled 12 magnificent crystal stones reflecting all the colours of the rainbow." (May 23, 1880)
💕"It will be the great devotion of the church in time to come." (July 16, 1881)
💕"The crucifix is the Book of books and to me the Tree of Life and contains never ending volumes." (June, 1880)
💕"It makes me tremble with terror at the dread punishments He has in store for all who shall hinder, or try to hinder the furtherance of this heavenly devotion, for their jaws He says shall be locked as were those of the lions in the den into which Daniel was cast, they shall be shattered and become as naught." (May 9, 1880)
💕The Sacred Head is the shrine of the powers of the Soul. "The Head is also the center of all the senses of the body, and that this devotion is the completion, not only of the devotion of the Sacred Heart, but the crowning and perfection of all devotions; and he showed me how the adorable Trinity at His baptism revealed to the world this special devotion for His Sacred Humanitiy is the tabernacle of the thrice Holy Trinity; and that St. John has specially spoken of this devotion for the Most High revealed to him that he should be thus worshipped before the end of the world." (April 9, 1880)
💐💐Litany of the Sacred Head💐💐
Lord have mercy on us,
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us,
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us,
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ hear us,
have mercy on us.
God the Father of heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
have mercy on us.
Sacred Head of Jesus Formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Substantially united to the Word of God,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Temple of Divine Wisdom,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Hearth of eternal clarities,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Sanctuary of infinite intelligence,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Providence against error,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Sun of heaven and earth,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Treasure of science and pledge of faith,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Beaming with beauty, justice and love,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Full of grace and truth,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Living lesson of humility,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Reflection of God's infinite majesty,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Object of the delights of the heavenly Father,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who received the caresses of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus On whom the Holy Spirit reposed,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who allowed a reflection of Thy Glory to shine on Tabor,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who had no place on earth to lay,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus To whom the perfumed ointment of Magdalen was pleasing,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who deigned to tell Simon
that he did not anoint Thy Head when Thou entered his house,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Bathed in a sweat of blood in Gethsemane,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who wept over our sins,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Crowned with thorns,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Disgracefully outraged during the passion,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Consoled by the loving gesture of Veronica,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Which thou inclined towards the earth at the moment Thou saved us
by the separation of Thy Soul from Thy Body on the cross,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Light of every man coming into this world,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Our Guide and our Hope,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who knows all our needs,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who dispenses all graces,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who directs the movements of the Divine Heart,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who governs the world,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who will judge all our actions,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who knows the secrets of our hearts,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus That we want to make known and adored by the whole world,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus Who ravishes the angels and the saints,
Guide us in all our ways.
Sacred Head of Jesus That we hope to contemplate one day, unveiled,
Guide us in all our ways.
We adore Thy Sacred Head, oh Jesus,
And we submit ourselves to all the decrees of Thine infinite Wisdom.
Let us pray.
Oh Jesus, Who deigned to reveal to Thy servant Teresa Higginson Thine immense desire to see Thy Sacred Head adored, grant us the joy to make it known and honoured; let fall on our souls a ray of Thy light, in order that we may advance from clarity to clarity, conducted by Thine adorable Wisdom
to the recompense promised to Thine elect.
⭐🙏🙏Prayers of Teresa Helena Higginson🙏🙏⭐
"Oh Wisdom of the Sacred Head guide us in all our ways."
"May the wisdom of the Sacred Head guide us in all our ways and the love of the Sacred Heart consume us with its fire."
Blessed be the most holy and undivided Trinity now and forever. Amen."
3 Glory Be's in honor of the Divine Will, Memory, and Understanding.
"O Seat of Divine Wisdom and guiding Power, which governs all the motions and love of the Sacred Heart, may all minds know Thee and hearts love Thee and all tongues praise Thee now and for evermore."
O WILL, which was always in meek subjection to Thy Heavenly Father's, control me in all things, as thou didst govern all the affections and motions of the Sacred Heart of the God made Man.
O UNDERSTANDING, which knows all things, ever guide me with Thy Light.
O MEMORY, in which past, present and future are at once reflected, which is ever mindful of me and always seems studying some new means of giving fresh favours, force me to love Thee more and more.
SOUL OF JESUS, sorrowful unto death would that I could console Thee in Thy bitter anguish and grief.