2023年7月12日 星期三

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 Chastity of the married lay catholics :

It is plain that if the eyes be fixed upon those of the other sex, we render ourselves hateful in the sight of God, whom alone it is our duty to please. He , from whom we should have received reward, will mete out to us chastisement instead. Wherefore, if divine love fails to release us from our sins, fear must restrain us. And if the joys of heaven do not attract us, then let the thought of unending torments deter us. So one begins to break away from evil when one fears to give displeasure to his Maker.

If anyone asks, how shall I attain to this fear of God? I answer: If you will fear God, call to mind that He sees all things. If an evil conscience seduces you , think that God looks down upon you. 

" The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom." ( Eccles.i. 16)




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