2023年7月25日 星期二

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 A Religious having wounded charity in regard to St . Louis Bertrand , received a terrible chastisement after death. He was plunged into the fire of purgatory , which he had to endure until he had made satisfaction to divine Justice;nay, more, he could not be admitted into the abode of the elect until he had accomplished an act of exterior reparation,which should serve as an example to the living. The fact is thus related in the Life of the saint:

When St. Louis Bertrand ,of the order of St. Dominic, resided at the convent of Valencia, there was a young religious in the community who attached too much importance to profane science. Doubtless letters and erudition have their value, but, as the Holy Spirit declares, they should yield to the fear of God and the science of the saints. Non super timentem Dominum ---- " There is none above him that feareth the Lord." ( Ecclus.23:13)  This science of the saints, which Eternal Wisdom came to teach us , consists in humility and charity . The young religious of whom we speak, while little advanced in Divine science, allowed himself to reproach Father Bertrand with his little knowledge , and said to him," One can see, Father, that you are not very learned!" " Brother," replied the saint with meek firmness, " Lucifier was very learned, and yet he was damned."

The brother who had committed this fault did not think of repairing it. Nevertheless he was not a bad religious, and some time after , falling dangerously sick, he received the Last Sacrament in very good dispositions, and expired peacefully in the Lord. A considerable time elapsed, and meanwhile Louis was nominated Prior. One day, having remained in choir after Matins, the deceased appeared to him enveloped in flames, and prostrating humbly before him, said, " Father , pardon me the offensive words which I formerly addressed to you . God will not permit me to see His face until you shall have pardoned my fault and offered Holy Mass for me. " The saint willingly forgave him , and the next morning celebrated Mass for the repose of his soul. The following night , being again in choir, he saw the deceased brother reappear , but radiant with glory and going up to Heaven.




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...