meditation has three parts. Each part corresponds to one of the three faculties of the soul that enter into prayer. First the matter must be assembled and presented to the intellect as the object on which it is to occupy itself in thought. This pertains to the memory. Secondly , we consider , dwell upon and digest the matter. This pertains to the intecllect . Finally , we resolve by our will to carry out in practice the obligations we have learned. Thus, the memory suggests , the intecllect meditates and is enlightened , the will is filled with holy affections, good desires and resolutions concerning the practice of virtue.
1. Preparation :
Remote preparation :
1. Avoidance of sin and of voluntary imperfections.
2. A great love for solitude and silence.
3. Freedom of the heart from all earthly affections.
4. Avoidance of anxiety and disturbances.
Proximate preparation :
1. Prayer for the proper understanding of the matter.
2. Attentive assimilation of the matter into the soul
3. Determination in a general way of the affections and resolutions.
1. Vivid recollection of God's presence
2. Act of contrition
3. Prayer asking for help to meditate well
3. Meditation proper
1. Memory
Memory presents the material to the intellect.
2. The intellect dwells upon the event , virtue or truth and derives conclusions therefrom
a. who , what , where?
b. By what means? why? How ? When?
c. Especially however: What does this mean to me?
How have I observed it in the past?
What should i do about it in the future?
What obstacles are to be removed and what dangers avoided? What means are to be used?
3. During the meditation the will tends toward particular affections: Sorrow , contrition, horror, humility, love, fervor, gratitude , fear , joy, compassion, admiration..etc.
And at the end towards more general affections:
1. Good resolutions
4. petition
4 . Conclution:
end of the meditation:
1. a thought or pious ejaculation.
2. final prayer, thanksgiving for graces received and a plea for forgiveness for faults committed.
3. Reflection: was it a good meditations or not ? Why?