2023年7月12日 星期三

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The result of chastity is that our heavenly Spouse becomes enamoured of us through its beauty. No soul can please God, on the other hand, unless it be chaste and stainless, for whilst it is a slave to impurity and sensuality it is hateful and rejected of God. Chastity has a charm in the sight of both God and man. Hence the old enemy of our race envies us the possession of this virtue and never ceases his assaults against it. Many a one does this instigator of all uncleanness and impurity corrupt, for he spares none, even the cleric of the sanctuary or the monk in his solitude, and , sad to say, he sometimes gets the better of those who were well known for their religion and virtue. 

We see, then, how needful it is to use all vigilance to assist one another to preserve this virtue. Losing this , we lose all that we have, and ourselves as well: we lose God, we lose our souls, and all that we are.




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