2023年2月28日 星期二

Fifteen promises of rosary

 Fifteen promises of rosary  ( from : Pieta prayer book)

The Blessed Virgin Mary promised to Saint Dominic and to all who follow that "Whatever you ask in the Rosary will be granted." She left for all Christians Fifteen Promises to those who recite the Holy Rosary.

Imparted to Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan

1.Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.

2.I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

3.The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.

4.The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire for eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

5.The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.

6.Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.

7.Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.

8.Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenititude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.

9.I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

10.The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.

11.You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

12.All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

13.I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.

14.All who recite the Rosary are my sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters of my only Son Jesus Christ.

15.Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

缅甸和尚死里复活, 告訴你佛教是魔鬼的!











接着我又看见另一个穿着军人服装的人,在他膛上有一巨大的伤痕,我问:这是谁?地狱的王回答说:“这就是翁山,缅甸人伟大的改革领袖。” 牠告诉我,翁山会来这里是由于他生前杀死了不少的基督徒,而最重要的原因是由于他完全不肯信拯救他的耶稣基督。在缅甸流传着一句话:“军人永远不死,但他们会继续活到永远。”这地狱的王告诉我,这句话应该改为:“军人永远不死,但他们会永远进入地狱。”














自“死里复活的保罗”,经历了以上奇妙的经历,他一直忠心的为主耶稣基督作见证。在缅甸已经带了几百名和尚归信耶稣基督,他奇特的死里复活见证,是一件不可否认的事实。也因为如此,当他传出只有耶稣基督,才是上帝给人类唯一救法的事实时,叫很多听见他这个不容妥协的信息的人,感到不容易接受。虽然他自己曾经是一个为佛教教义毫无保留的相信和委身于这些道理多年的和尚,复活后的他,也是立刻毫无保留地丢弃过去所信奉的,视为族人的大欺骗。如今他是一心一意,竭力的支帮助许多僧侣放弃佛教,转向信靠和 跟随耶稣基督。而在他生前、死后,经历前往地狱、天堂之事,那三天里他所经历、所听见关于上帝的创造,耶稣基督是救主,圣经中的一些人物等事,都是他死前完全不曾听说过,在记忆中也未曾想过这些事情。这一切对他来说全是新事。



St Peter of alcantara 3

 A meditation for Tuesday

( From St Peter of Alcantara)

This day you shall meditate upon the miseries of the life of man, out of which consideration, you will take notice of worldly vanities and learn how much glory of them ought to be despised, seeing they are built upon so weak a foundation as our fading life...

Therefore, consider the shortness of the life of man, being restrained within the limits of threescore and ten, or fourscore, years, whatsoever the overplus be, it is but labor and sorrow, as the prophet speaks: out of this time, if you subtract your infancy, which time you did live rather the life of a beast than a man; the time you spend in sleep, for then you are deprived of the use of reason, which only distinguishes man from other creatures, and you will find your life to be far shorter than ever you did imagine. This time if you do compare with the eternity of the world to come, you will find it to be less than a moment. Conjecture ,then, the foolish madness of the lovers of this world, who, that they might enjoy one only momentary pleasure of this transitory life, do not fear to expose themselves to the loss of eternity...

St peter of alcantara 2

 Life and death of St . Peter of Alcantara

His parents brought up their young son in the fear of God and sowed in him the seeds of virtue; they put him to school where , as he profited in learning , so his obedience toward his parents did likewise increase.Although he was a child, yet he withdrew himself from the common sports of children and sorted himself among men whom he saw inclined to devotion. In these, his tender years, he addicted himself to works of mercy: he applied himself seriously to learn the Christian doctrine; he often visited churches and holy places, he frequented the sacraments and continually employed himself in good works. He excelled his fellow students in science, so he knew that all science was ignorance without the right knowledge of God .

About that time, there was a famous and reformed monastery of Franciscans in the province of St. Gabriel, whither he addressed himself, there to bring his good desires to a joyful period.

He sequestered from the company of men and abstracted from all worldly tumults. 

The more you are sequestered from the pleasures of the flattering world, the more you enjoy the freedom of your spirit....   

Your soul is now sure not to be defiled with the pitch of evil conversation.....

You find here no snares to entangle you into worldly vanities, no flatterers to applaud you when you offend, or anything else to withdraw your affection from the cross of Christ....

Your beloved spouse has brought you now into this holy desert, to recreate your soul with his heavenly consolations, where , abstracted from all worldly tumults, it may attend only to divine wisdom, and the noise of all temporal cares being hushed and silent, it may be wholly employed in sacred contempation and ravished with eternal pleasures.....

The pleasure of this world is short, but the punishment for it perpetual... a little suffering here and infinite glory hereafter.....                                                                                                                                

St peter of alcantara

 From Life and death of St . Peter of Alcantara

Two virutes were chiefly eminent in him: simplicity and purity. He likewise had a perfect oblivion of all worldly things. He greedily desired and willingly accepted of the inferior and basest employments of the monastery. 

He was dexterous in his actions, modest in correcting , and a peacemaker, reconciling those who upon any occasion had been at jars. In his sermons he was hot, but moving; in hearing of confessions he was a helper, a counselor, and a comforter; in his ordinary speech he was not fawning nor biting, and his conversation without any pertinacity.

Who could but think his chaste child of St . Francis to have made a covenant with his eyes not to behold a virgin? And well he might be styled that son of a dove, whose eyes were washed with the milk of innocence. he kept such a continual guard over his eyes that he never knew any woman by her face.

2023年2月27日 星期一

St Charbel and desert fathers

  The desert fathers 

Gregory said: God asks three things of anyone who is baptized: to keep the true faith with all his soul and all his might; to control his tongue ; to be chase in his body.".

Pambo said to Antony, "what shall I do?" Antony said," do not trust in your righteousness . Do not go on sorrowing over a deed that is past . Keep your tongue and your belly under control. 

Evagrius said," Some of our predecessors used to say that a dry and regular diet combined with love will soon bring a monk to the harbour where the storms of passion do not enter."

Saint Charbel Makhlouf

As a hermit, father Charbel learned and followed the rules of his order to the letter, which include:

1. He must say mass and visit the chapel frequently night and day,( In my opinion, lay catholics cannot always visit the chapel. We can use youtube: perpetual adoration of the Holy Eucharist , to adore Jesus .)

2. He must pray, meditate , and read the Holy scriptures and bible.

3. He must do manual labor as a powerful remedy for many temptations , as a proof that he is not deserting his human obligations and in accordance with the stern injunction of St Paul : If anyone will not work, neither let him eat.

4. He must live a life of strict poverty.

Father Charbel did penance alone and in silence, for the rule states:

1. The hermit can eat only one meal a day, which is sent by the monastery.

2. He must never eat meat or drink wine. During Lent he can only have vegetables with a little oil.( P.S: St Teresa of Avila , same as St Charbel, were both incorruptible saints. St Teresa ate fish but no meat.)

3. He must not sleep more than five hours.

4. He must observe strict silence. In case of necessity, he must speak briefly and in subdued tones.

5. He must not leave the hermitage without the express consent of his superior.

It was in this secluded sanctuary that Father Charbel spent the remaining 23 years of his life practicing severe mortification . It is recorded by his companions that he wore a hair shirt, practiced corporal punishment, chained himself , slept on the hard ground and ate only one meal a day---- the leftovers from his fellow monk's meals.

Father Charbel pillow was a piece of wood covered with an old cloth, a remnant from an old habit. His bed was made of goat hair and laid directly on the floor

Although a hermit, he was not exempt from the supervision and orders of his superiors . He was to follow strict religious practices and carry out a severe ascetic way of life.

Father Charbel had a certain amount of religious books for holy reading everyday.

Father Charbel day would start with adoration of the Eucharist , prayers and celebration of the Holy Mystery, followed by manual labor , fasting , penance, continous prayer, little sleep , mortification of the body, all of which Father Charbel practiced with utmost humility and love.

After his death , his body was found to be perfectly preserved , strange fluid continued to issue from its pores . The fluid could cure a lot of sick people .

Medjugorje mary advice

 Medjugorje Mary

Eating fish is not fasting. The best fast is bread and water. If you cannot fast with bread, fast on entertainments such as television. Avoid evil programmes, Mary says. Everyone should fast on bread and water on wed and fri, except the sick. The sick can fast on other things , such as TV . Mary always calls us to switch off the T.V, because it distracts our prayer lives. Fasting on T.V and unreasonable enjoyment of food are  good substitues .

Medjugorje :

"You will be happy if you do not judge yourselves according to your faults, but if you understand that in your faults even graces are offered to you." 4392

Our Blessed Mother has provided us with a living model of what a prayer group should be.  She provided Jelena Vasilj (locutionist) with these following instructions that were to be applied to the prayer group:

1.  Eliminate Fear

 They were to put away all fear from their hearts forever.  They should renounce all inordinate desires.  They were to avoid television, particularly evil programs, excessive sports where it would take away from their prayer life, the unreasonable enjoyment of food and drink, alcohol, tobacco and other habits.  

She urged them to eliminate all anguish and told them whoever abandons himself to God, without any restrictions, does not have room left in his heart for anguish.

2.  Fasting

She asked that they fast twice a week on bread and water.  Gospa says this is the Best fast.  Fasting can stop wars and suspend natural laws she also says.   Fasting one or two days a week is a form of oneness with the Lord.  Maria Lunetti the visionary stated that there were other forms of fasting too.  For those people with addictions, they were to fast from those addictions one day a week.  Television is another good form of fasting.  Giving up something you enjoy.  

3.  Prayer throughout your day

Gospa told Jelena they the group should devote three hours a day to prayer.  A half an hour should be in the morning, a half an hour in the evening.  Holy Mass and the Rosary are included in this time of prayer.  Set aside moments during the course of the day to pray.  Do not concern yourself with the things of this world but entrust all things in prayer to Our heavenly Father.

Gospa said that those who attend school or go to work must pray half an hour in the morning and in the evening and if possible, participate in the Eucharist because it is necessary to extend the spirit of prayer to daily work.

Gospa told them to be especially prudent in their prayers since the devil will tempt those who have resolved to consecrate themselves to God.  He will suggest to them that they are praying too much.  She wants us to listen to her voice and not to his.  When you are strengthened then the devil will no longer be able to seduce you.

4.  Confession

The prayer group members are to go to confession  at least once a month but when it is especially needed because of hardships then even more frequently.  With confession we not only free ourselves from sin but we also are able to perfect ourselves in holiness and be closer to Jesus.  "Confession is the remedy for the church in the West" Our Blessed mother has said.

5.  Strive for Holiness

Our Blessed Mother encourages us to desire to be holy and to help other members of our group to desire to be holy and to grow in holiness.  This is what we are called to do.

6.  Holy Objects in the home

Gospa says that we need to have holy blessed objects in our homes and also on ourselves.  Medals, Crucifixes and holy water to name a few.  She also wants us to have the Holy Bible placed in a prominent place at home and to read this daily.

"I invite you to place more blessed objects in your homes and that each one wear some blessed object on himself.  Let all the objects be blessed.  For then, Satan will not tempt you so much, because you will be armed against him." (July 18, 1985)

The above rules were given to Jelena's prayer group by Our Blessed Mother.  They might be difficult for others to follow, such as the elderly or the infirm.  Fasting on bread and water may not be prudent for some so substitute something else.  This is a basis to go on for our own prayer groups.   Although all prayer groups are different, it's good to stay as close to what we know Our Blessed Mother likes.

Other good substitues for penance:

1.  Read deeply

Neuroscientist Maryanne Wolf has been researching how the brain develops different skills when reading in print than reading online. Online readers cover more content but they skim rather than read deeply. What does it matter? The online reader doesn’t “have time to grasp complexity, to understand another’s feelings, to perceive beauty, and to create thoughts of the reader’s own.” Reading a printed book over Lent can improve your concentration, remind you to think critically, and develop your empathy for others, all of which can help you become a better disciple. 

2.Control desire for possessions

Marketing is all about psychology and the power of persuasion. In our social media age, sellers are called “influencers”. If you use social media, mute your favourite influencers and submit yourself to the influence of prayer instead. 

3.Control Desire for entertainment

Entertainment often provides a welcome rest but today’s streaming services make distraction available any time all the time. Suspend, limit, or schedule your streaming so that entertainment does not drown out uncomfortable feelings that you could bring to God in prayer.   

The flame of love:

Jesus said to Elizabeth Kindelmann:

From you , I need a greater acceptance of sacrifice. Renounce the reading of frivolous books , the hearing of your favorite music and your seeking to be among others. I want you to increase your fasts. Do not give yourself to any pleasure.Let your breakfast and your afternoon snack be bread and water. At your principal meal you can have other foods, but make them tasteless. Eat only to nourish your body. At your meals, stop eating what is tasty. Only in this way, will I be your guest. what is tasty for you is tasteless for me.

I permit you to feel alone so you gain merits.My heart suffers because of consecrated souls. I walk with them but they do not recognize me. They live in wasteful laziness,seeking only their own comfort. They act as if they were not my workers."

( For myself: I try to add less seasoning on one to two meals of everyday diet. 

 I fast with bread and coffee and tea two to three days a week , not restricting only on wed and fri. Sometimes , mon, fri , sun. I read news on apps . I do not have T.V at home.I also listen to some favourite music , but not too much. I also watch useful videos on youtube. I have very few friends. I always keep myself alone. I am very happy with only myself . I do not like friends.)

The desert fathers:

1.Arsenius when he was still in the palace, prayed to God, saying: Lord  show me the way of salvation. 

A voice came to him saying : Arsenius, flee from men, and you will be saved. 

As he left for the monastic life, he prayed again, saying the same words; and he heard a voice saying to him: Arsenius , flee, be silent, pray always, for these are the roots of sinlessness.

2. Moses said, One who avoids others is like a ripe grape. One who stays in company is like a sour grape.

3. Nilus said, the arrows of the enemy cannot touch someone who loves quiet .But those who wander about among crowds will often be wounded by them.

4. Matrona said, Many solitaries living the desert have been lost because they lived like people in the world . It is better to live in a crowd and want to live a solitary life than to live in solitude and be longing all the time for company.

St Padre Pio:

You must have good spiritual books and read them everyday. 

Saint quotes:

It is not suitable to say we need to be spiritually poor and donate all the holy books to others, including the Bible.Bible as well as the good holy books are very important for our spiritual lives. 

Padre Pio and St Teresa of Avila:

You must read spiritual books as well as the Bible everyday for nourishment and for your sanctity.

2023年2月26日 星期日

St bridget revelations chapter 128


St bridget revelation:

The  virgin Mary mother speaks: 

Speak to that priest and hermit who is my friend, the one who, against his own desires and the peace of his own soul, moved by faith and his devotion to his neighbour, leaving his solitary cell and quiet contemplation behind, from time to time comes down from his place of hermitage in order to be with people and give them spiritual counsels, whose example and saving counsel bring about the conversion of many souls and the advancement in virtue of the already converted......

Tell him then, from me that it is altogether more pleasing to God, as has been said, that he should sometimes come down from his place of hermitage and go to carry out such works of charity among his neighbours, sharing with them the virtues and graces that he receives from God, in order that by this work they may be converted and attach themselves to greater fervor to God and become sharers of his glory,than that he should enjoy spiritual consolation alone in his solitary cell in the hermitage.

Tell him , too , that he will earn a greater reward in heaven for such charitable work, provided that he always carries it out in accordance with the advice and permission of a senior spiritual father.

From chapter 128 of St. Bridget revelations.

St bridget revelations chapter 127


From the revelations of st bridget

The son of God said "

I told you earlier, that my servant benedict regarded his body as a sack.

He had five garments. The first was a rough shirt with which he tamed the flesh and his disorderly impulses in order that they might not run riot and exceed their bounds. The second garment was a simple cowl, neither elaborate nor full of folds , which was to cover , adorn, and warm the flesh, so as not to scare anyone seeing him.The third was a scapular by which he would be found more prompt and ready for manual labor. The fourth garment was protective covering for the feet so that he might be more agile and humble in walking the path of God. The fifth was the belt of humility, girded with which he would cut down on superfluous items and carry out more expeditiously the customary work enjoined upon him.

Nowadays , however , his monks want luxurious clothes....

A monk who wants to be saved must ,therefore observe that my Benedict's rule allows him to have moderate amount of necessities, useful , not superfluous items,honest and suitable possessions, all of it in humility and not in pride....

The permission is valid only when it prudently allows for necessities but condemns superfluities even in small things."

chapter 127

2023年2月19日 星期日


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory.

Q: Maria Simma, I want to thank you also, on behalf of the readers, for these beautiful testimonies.....In order to know you better could you, in a few words, tell us something of your life?

A: when I was a little girl I wanted to become a nun. My mother told me to wait until I was twenty. I did not want to get married. My mother used to speak to me about the souls in purgatory and , already at school, these souls used to help me. Therefore I thought I ought to do everything for them.

After I left school, I thought of becoming a nun. I entered the convent of the sisters of the heart of Jesus, but they told me that due to my poor health I could not stay with them. In fact when I was a child I had suffered from pneumonia an pleurisy. The mother superior confirmed that I had a religious vocation, but she suggested that I enter a less strict order and to wait a few more years. But instead I wanted an enclosed order and at once.

After trying again twice, the verdict was the same; my health was not good enough. So I came to the conclusion that it was not God's will for me to enter a convent. I greatly suffered morally and said to myself: " The Lord has not shown me what He wants of me." I had to wait until I was 25, namely , until the moment when God entrusted me with this task of praying for the souls in purgatory. He had kept me waiting for 8 Years!....

.... I worked at home and on the farm since I was 15. After that I went to Germany to work as a maid for a farmer, and then I worked here on the farm of Sonntag.

From the age of 25, when the souls started visiting me, I had to suffer greatly for them. Now I am better physically . And that is it....

Here her story ends.

Sister Emmanuel writes:

Maria simma's life:

In the account of the parish priest, we read that " she devoted her virginity to the Virgin Mary and she consecrated herself to Mary above all in favour of the deceased",she offered herself to God, by taking the vow of " victim soul, victim of love and of expiation:The parish priest tells us that several times on different occasions, she offerd herself as a victim in order to help the deceased, through spontaneous and sometimes terrible sufferings, by which she has shortened the pains of many souls.

Besides the sufferings, she continuously offered to God prayers, masses and penances.

Since the death of her father in 1947, she has lived alone in her paternal house and, in order to provide for the needs of life, she continues, despite her old age, to work in her little garden. She lives in poverty and she is helped by charitable people. She asks for nothing , she does everything spontaneously and, if anybody leaves alms, she sends everything to the Curia, for the celebration of the masses, for merciful works and , above all , for missions.

.....in the pages of her diary, she has always pointd out , with insistence, the means of help , asked also by the souls themselves: masses, rosaries, offering of sufferings, the way of the cross, charitable works, and above all , among these help to missions which, according the souls, are very effective for the deceased.

The burning of candles helps souls: first of all because this attention of love gives them a moral help, moreover because the candles are blessed and enlighten the darkness in which souls find themselves. A child of eleven from Kaiser asked Maria Simma to pray for him. He was in purgatory because on All Souls ' Day in a cemetery he had put out the candles which were burning on the graves and he had stolen their wax for fun . The blessed candles are of much value for souls. On the day of candlemas, Maria Simma had to light two candles for a soul for which she was bearing for them expiation sufferings."

" Sprinkling blessed water mitigates the sufferings of the deceased. One day, while passing by Maria Simma threw some blessed water for souls. One voice said to her:" Some more!".

" Not all means help souls in the same way. If somebody during his life does not hold the Holy Mass in high esteem, he will not benefit from it when he is in Purgatory. If someone has not been charitable during his life, he will receive little help . Those who sin of slander, have harshly to expiate their sin. But anyone who was generous during his life, receives much help."

" A soul who had not attended Mass, was able to ask for eight masses to be celebrated for his relief, because during his mortal life he had eight masses celebrated for a soul in purgatory."

The parish priest refers that Maria Simma insists a lot that everyone should PRAY FOR THE DYING.

" According to what the souls in purgatory say , many people go to hell because we pray too little for them,.... once Maria simma saw many souls on the brink between hell and purgatory.".


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory

Maria Simma:

One day a doctor came to me complaining that he had to suffer because he had shortened the life of some patient by giving them injections so that they would not suffer any longer. He said that suffering, if endured with patience, is of tremendous value for the soul; one has the duty to relieve deep suffering, but one has no right to shorten life through chemical means.

Another time, a woman came. She said," I have had to suffer for thirty years in purgatory for not having allowed my daughter to enter a convent."

Q: Jesus said that it is difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Have you , yourself, ever seen such a case?

A: Yes, but if they do good works, works of charity, if they exercise love, they can get to Heaven as the poor can.

Q: When the devil appears, does Holy water always make him flee?

A: It greatly upsets him and he often runs away.

2023年2月18日 星期六


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Sister Emmanuel:

Yes, it is extraordinary to see how only a thought , an outburst of feeling from the heart, a simple prayer for someone, can prevent him from going to Hell, because it is pride that sends one to Hell. Hell is this : it is this stubborness in always saying NO to God. Our prayers can provoke an act of humility in someone who is dying ; and one small impulse of humility , however small it may be , has such power that it prevents us from going to Hell.

Maria Simma:

A soul told me:" by not having obeyed the traffic laws, I was instantly killed on my motorbike in Vienna." I asked her:" were you ready for eternity?" She answered," No I was not ready , but God gives two or three minutes for repentence to those who do not sin against Him with insolence or conceit. Only those who refuse are damned."

This soul carried on with her interesting and instructive comment:" when someone dies in an accident , people say that his hour had come."

" This is not true; this can only be said of a person who dies when it is not his fault. But according to God's design , I could have lived a further thirty years; and so I would have lived my entire life span." Therefore , man should not expose himself to the danger of death except in case of need.


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Q: Maria, with regard to this, have you anything to tell us?

A One day when travelling by train, there was a man in my compartment who was continually criticising the Church , the priests, and offending God. He would not stop cursing and so I told him: " You have no right to talk like that , it is not nice!"

When I got to my destination and was getting off the train, I just said to God, " Lord may this soul not be lost!..."

A few years later, this man's soul visited me and told me that he had been on the brink of Hell and that he was only saved through the prayer I had said in that moment


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel 

Q: I believe that some of them have come to see you . You were telling us the story of that little girl...the youngest one you have ever seen; she was four years old. Why was she in purgatory?

A: Why ? This girl received a doll from her parents for Christmas. She had a twin sister who had also received a doll. And it happened that this little four- year old had broken her doll, and so , secretly and knowing that nobody was looking, she put her broken doll in the place of that of her sister's . She knew very well in her little heart that this would have caused great sorrow to her sister; she was aware that this was deceitful and unjust . Because of this she has been in purgatory.

Yes, children often have a more active conscience than grownups and it is necessary above all to fight against the telling of lies; they are very sensitive.

Q: Maria, how can parents help their children in forming their conscience?

A: First of all with good example, this is the most important thing, then by prayer. Parents must bless their children and teach them well the values of God.

Q: This is very important! Have souls who practised certain perversions on this earth visited you ? For example , I am thinking of those in the dominion of sexuality.

A: The souls I have known( all souls in purgatory) are not lost, but they have to suffer much to be purified . In all perversions, the evil one is present, especially in homosexuality.

Q: what advice would you give to all those who are tempted by homosexuality and who have these tendencies?

A: I would advise them to pray, to pray much in order to acquire the strength to overcome these tendencies. It is necessary to pray especially to Saint Michael the Archangel as he has the greatest power to fight the Devil!

Q: Oh, yes, saint Michael the Archangel! what are the inclinations of the heart which can lead us to the loss of our souls , namely Hell?

A: It is when we do not want to go to God, when we resolutely say: " I do not want !...."

2023年2月17日 星期五


 From The Amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Q: Maria , are there any priests in Purgatory ?

A: Yes, there are many. They have not helped people to have due respect for the Eucharist, and therefore all faith suffers. They are often in Purgatory for having neglected prayer, which has caused their faith to diminish, but it is also true that many of them have gone directly to Paradise.

I cannot forget a priest who right hand was black. I asked him the reason of that:" I should have blessed more times."he answered me. " Tell all priests you meet , they should bless more: they can give many blessings and drive out the powers of evil."

Q: Good . What would you tell a priest who is truly desirous to live according to the heart of God?

A: I would recommend that he pray much to the Holy spirit and that he say the Rosary everyday.

Q: Maria, are there any children in Purgatory?

A: Yes, but for them purgatory is not too long nor painful, because they do not possess total discernment.


From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Q: what can  do for people who say, " I am suffering too much in my heart and in my body; it is too much for me, I want to die"...

A: Yes, this often happens. I used to say ... I would say:" My God , I can offer my suffering for the salvation of souls."This brings back faith and courage. But alas, there are very few who say this today. One can also tell these people that by doing so, the souls acquire a great joy for Heaven. In Heaven there are thousands of different beatitudes , and each one of them is perfect bliss. Every desire is totally fulfilled in Heaven; each one is truly aware that they could not have deserved more!

Q: Well, Maria, I would like to ask you if souls of people of other religions, for example, Jews, have visited you .

A: Yes, and they are blissfully happy. He who lives his faith well is at peace. But it is through the Catholic faith that one can earn more for Heaven.

Q: Are there any religions which are not good for the soul?
A: No, but there are many religions on earth! The nearest to the Catholic faith are the Orthodox and the Protestants. There are many Protestants who recite the Rosary. BUT SECTS ARE EXTREMELY EVIL. It is necessary to do everything possible to leave them.



 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanel

Q: What happens to people who commit suicide ? Have any of their souls ever visited you ?

A: The souls who visit me are only those in Purgatory. However , up to now I have never come across the case of the soul of a person who committed suicide who has been lost, but this does not mean that there are none. Some souls tell me that often the people who have been close to them are more guilty, because they have been indifferently for having spread defamations.

Sister Emmanel writes:

At this point I asked if the souls repent for having committed suicide . Maria said yes, but added that very often the people committing suicide is a sick person. In any case the souls repent because , as soon as they see everything in the light of God, they become aware instantly of all the graces that would have been given to them during the time they could have had left to live. They see all the remaining time( months or years), and all the souls they could have helped by offering the rest of their life to God. What gives them greater suffering with regard to their past is the awareness of the amount of good they could have done if they had not shortened their life on this earth. But if the cause is an illness, the Lord will certainly take this into account.

2023年2月7日 星期二


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel.

Q: what are the angels doing in purgatory?

A: They alleviate and console. The souls can see them.

Q:Another question : You know that many people today believe in reincarnation. What do the souls say about this?

A: The souls say that God gives us only one life.

Q: But some people maintain that only one life is not sufficient to get to know God and to have enough time to be truly converted, and they also think that this is not right. What answer would you give them?

A: All souls possess an interior faith; even if they are not practising it, they can recognise God. There in no one who is totally an unbeliever. Every man possesses a conscience to recognise good from evil, a conscience given by God, and an interior knowledge , certainly of varying degrees, nevertheless he is capable of distinguishing between good and evil. With this conscience every human being can reach celestial bliss.


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Q: Maria, I would like to ask you now; at the moment of death is there some time during which the soul can turn to God before entering eternity; a time between apparent death and real death?

A: Yes , the Lord gives each soul a few minutes to repent of its sins and to decide whether or not to acept to go to God. During this short time one sees one's life again as in a film.

I know a man who believed in the precepts of the Church , but not in eternal life. One day he became seriously ill and entered into a coma.

Then he saw himself in a room with a blackboard on which all his actions were witten, the good ones and the bad ones; then the blackboard disappeared , as well as the walls of that room, and everything was infinitely beautiful. He then woke up from the coma and decided to change his life.

This episode is similar to many others reported in the book " Life beyond Life"; the short -lived experience of the supernatural light is such , that afterwards people can no longer live as before.


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Q: Maria, do the souls in purgatory experience a feeling of rebellion for their suffering?

A: No, they want to be purified and understand that suffering is necessary.

Q: What is the importance of contrition and of repentance at the moment of death?

A: Contrition is very important.Sins are in any case forgiven, but there remains the consequence of sin. To obtain a plenary indulgence at the moment of death in order to go directly to Heaven, it is necessary that the soul be free from all attachments.


Now I would like to refer to a very significant story that Maria told us. She was asked to inquire about a woman who her relatives had thought lost because she had lived a very wicked life and was up to her neck in sin. She had been the victim of an accident; she had fallen from a train which had run over her and killed her.

A soul told Maria that this woman escaped Hell because , at the moment of her death, she had said to God:" You do well to take back my soul, as in this way I will not be able to offend You any longer." This cancelled all her sins. This is very significant, because it shows how a single act of humility, of repentance at the moment of death, saves us. This does not mean that this woman has not gone to purgatory; but she was saved from going to Hell which she should have deserved because of her conduct.

2023年2月3日 星期五


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel.

Q: But what can be done to accept suffering as a gift and not, as is often done, as a punishment?

A It is necessary to offer everything to the Blessed Virgin , because she knows best who is in need of this or that offering in order to be saved.

Sister Emmanuel:

At this point, with regard to suffering, I would like to tell you a story that Maria Simma told us .

It happened in 1954 . Several disastrous avalanches had swept over a village near the one where Maria Simma lived causing great damage. Other avalanches had fallen in the direction of Maria's village. But it happened that here the avalanches stopped in a truly miraculous way , in front of the village, without causing any damage.

The souls( of purgatory ) told Maria Simma that in that village there had lived and died a woman who had been ill for thirty years and who had been very badly treated; she had suffered terribly for 30 years and she had offered all her sufferings for the sake of her village.

The souls told Maria that the village had been saved thanks to the offering of that woman.

She had therefore offered her sufferings for 30 years and had endured them patiently. Maria says that if that woman had been in good health, she would not have been able to protect her village; she adds also that with sufferings endured with patience it is possible to save more souls than with prayer .

We should not always look at suffering as a punishment . It can be accepted in expiation not only for ourselves, but also for others. Jesus Christ was innocent and yet He suffered more than anybody else for our sins.

Only in Heaven shall we know fully what we have obtained through our suffering accepted patiently in unity with Christ's suffering.


 From The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel.

Q: Maria ( Simma) , do the souls in purgatory experience a feeling of rebellion for their suffering?

A: No, they want to be purified and understand that suffering is necessary.


 From The amazing secrets of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Q: Well then, how should suffering be lived in order to bear fruit?

A: Suffering is the greatest proof of God's love and if offered well, it can win many souls.


 From The amazing secrets of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel.

Q: Maria, why is it impossible to acquire any merits once in purgatory, while when still on earth it is always possible to obtain them?

A: Because at the moment of death all merits are at an end, while when still on earth it is possible to make amends for the wrong done previously. The souls in purgatory have a " holy " envy of this possibility of ours. Even the Angels are jealous of us, because we have the opportunity to " grow" while on this earth. But often the appearance of suffering in our life makes us rebel and makes it difficult for us to accept it and live it well.


From The amazing secrets of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel

Sister Emmanuel the author writes:

The stations of the cross can rouse in us the contrition for our sins.

A further and highly recommended help for the souls in purgatory is the recitation of the  Rosary, and precisely the rosary for the departed. Through the Rosary many souls of the dead are freed every year from Purgatory. At this point we should say that it is the mother of God herself who comes to purgatory to free the souls ; this is why the souls in purgatory call the virgin Mary," Mother of Mercy ". This is all very beautiful.

The souls tell Maria Simma that indulgences too possess inestimable value, not only for their liberation , but for us ; and sometimes it is sheer cruelty not to use these treasures offered by the church for the benefit of the souls.

It can be certainly be said that a most effective help for the souls in purgatory is prayer in general, any form of prayer.

I also suggest the prayers of St. Bridget , which are highly recommended by the souls in Purgatory. These prayers can also be easily found in religious bookshops, but they are also reported in full in the book " pray pray pray ", Ed . Shalom  page 412-421

At this point, I would add an important statement : the souls in Purgatory cannot do anything to help themselves. They are totally incapable and  , unless the living pray for them, are completely abandoned. This is why it is important to use this immense and incredible power that each one of us possesses in order to help and to free the suffering souls.

If we saw a child fall from a tree and remain badly hurt, would anybody think of not helping it? Surely everything would be done for it.

Equally we ought to take to heart these souls that are awaiting our help and depending entirely on our offering and prayers in order to receive relief from their sufferings. This is, perhaps, the best way to practise charity.

For example, I an thinking of the good Samaritan in the Gospel when faced with the man on the side of the road who was half dead and who without a doubt lay bleeding badly. That man totally depended on the good heart of a passerby.


聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 本人是confraternity of penitent Franciscan third order member. 我是美國方濟會成員。 聖神七恩會規是參照confraternity of penitent Franciscan third orde...