2023年3月12日 星期日

Everyday Facebook 7

 From Daily pilgrimage to purgatory

Holy Souls in Purgatory , is there anything you regret when you think of your life on earth?

" I deeply regret wasted time. I did not consider it so precious, so fleeting, or so irretrievable. Wasted time made my life worth only half of what is might have been. Oh , I wish I had only realized it then ! If only I could return to earth , how differently I would use the time given me ! Oh , Precious , Time ! Today I know how to appreciate you . You were purchased with the blood of Christ! You were given to me for the sole purpose of loving God, sanctifying myself , and edifying my neighbour. Alas, I abused you by sinning. I craved vanity, pleasures , and trifles. I dreamed dreams that now cause me bitter reproaches and remorse. Precious, Time wasted, Time How heavily you weigh upon me now! How it grieves me to have lost you through my own fault!...."

My Resolution:

Today I will do everything possible to assist the souls of priests , religious, and all those in Purgatory who have been faithful to this devotion( helping the souls in purgatory during their lifetime)all their lives. I also recommend myself to those who are entering heaven at this moment.




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 每天必須唸玫瑰經至少四串, 用5 分鐘默想玫瑰經奧跡, 用聖經和聖書默想 每天必須唸 st bridget 15 prayers聖婦碧瑾十五篇禱文, 苦路經 十四處, 用十分鐘默想耶穌苦難。 每天看聖書和聖經共不可少於十五分鐘, 每天必須看 吃飯前唸經,...