2023年3月12日 星期日

Everyday Facebook 5

 From " The Holy Rule and oblates".

The same moderation must be found in a monk's food , so that all signs of overeating be absent. The flesh of four-footed animals is forbidden, but Benedict allows at each meal a choice of food to satisfy different tastes, together with a limited portion of bread. Although wine is permitted, abstinence is lauded and drunkenness decried.

In Lent something of the allotted amount is to be voluntarily subtracted , but only with the blessing of the abbot, that pride may not enter in.

Idleness is the enemy of the soul, Benedict asserts, and the brethren, therefore, must be occupied at stated hours in manual labor, and again at other hours in sacred reading. Between the hours of the office and between the two meals( whether the first be at noon or in afternoon) , the monks are to devote their time to reading , studying the psalms , or to tasks assigned to them. To those who are slothful or who cannot study , some work with their hands is to be given, that no one spend his time in idleness or gossiping.




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 每天必須唸玫瑰經至少四串, 用5 分鐘默想玫瑰經奧跡, 用聖經和聖書默想 每天必須唸 st bridget 15 prayers聖婦碧瑾十五篇禱文, 苦路經 十四處, 用十分鐘默想耶穌苦難。 每天看聖書和聖經共不可少於十五分鐘, 每天必須看 吃飯前唸經,...