2023年3月13日 星期一

Everyday Facebook 10

 St Francesca Romana:

She saw Purgatory as being divided into three distinct parts.

In the upper region are the souls who suffer the punishment of damnation only, that is , they are deprived of the vision of God, or souls who are suffering some light and brief form of punishment , in order to make them worthy of the delight of the vision of God.

In the middle region, she saw the following written: 

" Purgatory, here suffer the souls who are guilty of less serious sins, or who must , let us add , liberate themselves from the punishment of mortal sins which have been forgiven and the faults themselves.

At the bottom , in the abyss, and near to hell, she saw the third region, Inferior Purgatory, full of a bright and penetrating fire, differing from that of hell, which is shadowy and dark.

She saw that the third region was divided into three different sections, where the punishments gradually increased, according to the responsibility of the souls and the degree of glory and happiness, which they must reach . The first section is reserved for secular people, the second for clerics who were not ordained , and the third for priests and bishops."

It must be pointed out, that this third section has a more infamous place within it , which is reserved for priests and nuns, who having had more means to become holy, and more guidance from God, are more responsible for their sins, and therefore have a greater need for expiation.

From booklet" A Rosary for the souls of priests suffering in Purgatory".




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