Medjugorje mary
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Medjugorje Prayer Group Member Responsibilities (
Our Blessed Mother( another name called Gospa, by people in Medjugorje)'s instructions
Our Blessed Mother has provided us with a living model of what a prayer group should be. She provided Jelena Vasilj (locutionist) with these following instructions that were to be applied to the prayer group:
1. Eliminate Fear
They were to put away all fear from their hearts forever. They should renounce all inordinate desires. They were to avoid television, particularly evil programs, excessive sports where it would take away from their prayer life, the unreasonable enjoyment of food and drink, alcohol, tobacco and other habits.
She urged them to eliminate all anguish and told them whoever abandons himself to God, without any restrictions, does not have room left in his heart for anguish.
2. Fasting
She asked that they fast twice a week on bread and water. Gospa says this is the Best fast. Fasting can stop wars and suspend natural laws she also says. Fasting one or two days a week is a form of oneness with the Lord. Maria Lunetti the visionary stated that there were other forms of fasting too. For those people with addictions, they were to fast from those addictions one day a week. Television is another good form of fasting. Giving up something you enjoy.
3. Prayer throughout your day
Gospa told Jelena they the group should devote three hours a day to prayer. A half an hour should be in the morning, a half an hour in the evening. Holy Mass and the Rosary are included in this time of prayer. Set aside moments during the course of the day to pray. Do not concern yourself with the things of this world but entrust all things in prayer to Our heavenly Father.
Gospa said that those who attend school or go to work must pray half an hour in the morning and in the evening and if possible, participate in the Eucharist because it is necessary to extend the spirit of prayer to daily work.
Gospa told them to be especially prudent in their prayers since the devil will tempt those who have resolved to consecrate themselves to God. He will suggest to them that they are praying too much. She wants us to listen to her voice and not to his. When you are strengthened then the devil will no longer be able to seduce you.
4. Confession
The prayer group members are to go to confession at least once a month but when it is especially needed because of hardships then even more frequently. With confession we not only free ourselves from sin but we also are able to perfect ourselves in holiness and be closer to Jesus. "Confession is the remedy for the church in the West" Our Blessed mother has said.
5. Strive for Holiness
Our Blessed Mother encourages us to desire to be holy and to help other members of our group to desire to be holy and to grow in holiness. This is what we are called to do.
6. Holy Objects in the home
Gospa says that we need to have holy blessed objects in our homes and also on ourselves. Medals, Crucifixes and holy water to name a few. She also wants us to have the Holy Bible placed in a prominent place at home and to read this daily.
"I invite you to place more blessed objects in your homes and that each one wear some blessed object on himself. Let all the objects be blessed. For then, Satan will not tempt you so much, because you will be armed against him." (July 18, 1985)
The above rules were given to Jelena's prayer group by Our Blessed Mother. They might be difficult for others to follow, such as the elderly or the infirm. Fasting on bread and water may not be saint prudent for some so substitute something else. This is a basis to go on for our own prayer groups. Although all prayer groups are different, it's good to stay as close to what we know Our Blessed Mother likes.
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