St charbel
1. He must say mass and visit the chapel frequently night and day.
2. He must pray, meditate, and read holy scriptures and bible.
3. He must do manual labor as a powerful remedy for many temptation, as a proof that he is not deserting his human obligations and in accordance with the stern injunction of st Paul: if anyone will not work, neither let him eat.
4. He must live a life of strict poverty.
He did penance alone and in silence:
1. The hermit can only eat one meal a day , which is sent by the monastery.
2. He must never eat meat ( and fish and seafood) or drink wine. During lent can have vegetables with a little oil.
3. Sleep no more than five hours
4. Observe strict silence. In case of necessity, speak briefly and in subdued tone
5. Must not leave the hermitage without the express consent of his superior.
Follow strict religious practices and carry out a severe ascetic way of life.
Manual labor, fasting, penance, continuous prayer, little sleep, mortification of body, practice in humility and love
Chain himself, wear hairshirt, eat the leftovers . Spent 23 years practicing severe mortification.
Through prayer and penance he offered himself as a sacrifice so that the world would return to God.
His pillow was a piece of wood covered with an old cloth.