2023年1月17日 星期二

Purgatory , value of mass

 From " The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel".

Maria simma continued:

" On the subject of the mass, I wish to refer to you a beautiful example that saint Cure d Ars gave his parishioners :

My children , A good priest unfortunately lost a good friend of his. Therefore, he prayed much for the peace of this soul.

One day , God informed him that his friend was in purgatory and suffering terribly . This saintly priest thought that he could not do any better than to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for his dear friend.At the moment of Consecration , he took the Host in his hands and said, :" Eternal and Holy Father, in your Holy Hands is the soul of my friend in purgatory and in the poor hands of your minister is the body of your Son Jesus . Well then, O good and merciful Father, free my friend while I offer your Son to you with all the merits of His glorious passion and death."

This request was granted. At the moment of the Elevation , he saw the soul of his friend go to Heaven shining with glory. God had accepted the offer.

" well then , dear children," concluded the saint Cure d Ars," when we wish to free our dear ones from purgatory, let us do the same. Let us offer, through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, His dear son , with all the merits of His passion and Death and He will not be able to refuse us anything."

Other very effective means to help the souls in purgatory are , the offering of our suffering, our penance, our voluntary suffering as fasting, privation , and so on..... and of course, involuntary suffering like illness, mourning and abandonment.....





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