2023年1月18日 星期三

Purgatory, three hours of suffering

 From " The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel".

Q: Maria , you have been invited several times to suffer for the souls in Purgatory in order to free them . Can you tell us what you have experienced and felt in those moments?


The first time a soul ( of a woman) asked me if I wanted to undergo bodily suffering for her for three hours. She added that afterwards I would have been able to take up my work again. I thought ," if it is only for three hours , I will accept." Those three hours seemed to last three days , the suffering was so terrible. But , at the end, I looked at my watch and noticed that only three hours had gone by. The soul then told me that, by having accepted to suffer with love for three hours I had saved her from twenty years in Purgatory.




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