From " The amazing secret of souls in purgatory by sister Emmanuel".
Q: Maria , can you tell us the best way to help souls ( purgatory souls )?
A: The best means is the mass.
Q: Why the mass ?
A: Because it is Christ offering himself for love of us. And the offering of Christ Himself to God is the most beautiful offering. The priest is representing God and it is God Himself offering and sacrificing Himself for us . The effectiveness of the mass for the dead is as great as the esteem they had for the mass during their lifetime. If at mass they had prayed with great devotion , and if they had attended mass during the week , whenever possible, they would receive great profit from the masses celebrated for them . In this context too , one reaps whtat has been sown.
Besides going ourselves , we do not fail to invite children and possibly the children of all schools to attend mass, if we want them to be better.
No father, mother, or catechist can put into the heart of a child the graces Our Lord Himself gives during the mass and the Holy Communion.
I would add that a soul in purgatory can see very well the day of its funeral and whether we really pray for its soul, or if we are present simply to show we are there , namely just a presence. They say that tears are of no help to them.On the other handm prayer is very helpful. They often complain that people are present at their burial, but do not say a single prayer to God : they shed many tears , but this is of no use.