2023年4月25日 星期二

The seat of St Francis of Assisi in heaven

 TIL St. Francis of Assisi sits in the vacated throne of Lucifer in heaven

From Francis' biographer and friend, Br. Leo of Assisi:

"In the morning Brother Pacificus returned to him. Blessed Francis was standing before the altar in prayer, and Brother Pacificus remained outside the choir, also praying before the crucifix. And while he was absorbed in prayer he was lifted up in spirit and rapt into heaven, whether in the body or out of the body God alone knoweth; and he saw in heaven very many seats, and one amongst them was raised above the others, glorious to behold, adorned with splendour and many precious stones, so that he marvelled at its great beauty, and wondered whose seat this could be. And he heard a voice that said: "This was the seat of Lucifer, and in his place will be seated the humble Francis."

When he had returned to his senses St. Francis suddenly came out to him, whereupon this friar fell at his feet, and stretching out his arms in the form of a cross, as if he already saw him on that throne in heaven, cried, "Father, grant me your forgiveness, and pray God to have mercy on me and condone my sins." Taking his hand, Blessed Francis raised him up, knowing at once that he had seen some mysterious vision during his prayer, for he spoke to Blessed Francis not as if he were still in the body, but as if he were already an inhabitant of heaven. Afterwards, as he did not like to speak of it directly to Blessed Francis, he hinted at it, as it were, and while talking of other things, said, "What do you believe of yourself, Brother?" To which Blessed Francis answered, "It seems to me I am a greater sinner than any one else in the world." At this instant Brother Pacificus heard an inner voice say: "By this may you know the truth of the vision revealed to you, since Lucifer for his pride was hurled from his seat, while Francis by his humility has merited to be exalted and gloriously enthroned!""

-The Mirror of Perfection (Br. Leo's biography of Fr. Francis and his miracles)




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