2023年4月25日 星期二

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 In order to fulill God's will, Faustina knew to stay very close to Our Lady. She loved the Rosary , the Immaculat Heart, Marian Novenas, the sorrows of Our Lady, and consecration prayers to the Mother of God. She consecrated to Our Lady all her concerns . Faustina understood that without the Blessed Mother, there would be no Eucharistic Jesus. In order to love Jesus in the Eucharist we must love His Mother , the first tabernacle.




聖神七恩會規:( 暫訂) 每天必須唸玫瑰經至少四串, 用5 分鐘默想玫瑰經奧跡, 用聖經和聖書默想 每天必須唸 st bridget 15 prayers聖婦碧瑾十五篇禱文, 苦路經 十四處, 用十分鐘默想耶穌苦難。 每天看聖書和聖經共不可少於十五分鐘, 每天必須看 吃飯前唸經,...